

検索条件 分類[全て]=第三部 [日本経済史] 3-28. 欧文論著

表示数 表示順
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 25
No. 書名・論題
編著者 発行年 編集・発行 区分
81 The History of British Charter Air Transport : The Management History of Charter Airline, Part 1. [立命館経営学 30(5・6) 合併号] ISHIZAKI, Yoshiyuki 1992 立命館大学経営学会 論文
82 The History of British Charter Air Transport : The Management History of Charter Airline, Part 2. [立命館経営学 31(2)] ISHIZAKI, Yoshiyuki 1992 立命館大学経営学会 論文
83 Hitler's Seizure of Power and Japan's Response [政経論叢 59(5・6) 合併号] MIYAKE, Masaki 1991 明治大学政治経済研究所 論文
84 Japanese Management Structures, 1920-80 SUZUKI, Yoshitaka 1991 Macmillan 著書
85 Problems concerning the study of History of Colonies in Japan [岡山大学経済学会雑誌 23(1)] MATSUMOTO, Toshiro 1991 岡山大学経済学会 論文
86 Recreating Japanese Women, 1600-1945 BERNSTEIN, Gail Lee 1991 University of California Press Berkeley, Los Angel 著書
87 The Growth of Conciliation and Arbitration System in Labour Relations—Britain and Japan— [静岡大学法経研究 39(4)] TAKEI, Yoshiteru 1991 静岡大学法経学会 論文
88 The Historical Fomation of the Entrepreneur in Modern Japan [Otemon Economic Studies 24] UDA, Tadashi 1991 The Faculty of Economics of Otemon Gakuin University 論文
89 The Role of Labour-Intensive Sectors in Japanese Industrialization TAKEUCHI, Johzen 1991 United Nations University Press 著書
90 Demographic Courses of Children after the Dissolution of Marriage. [上智経済論集 36(1)] Kito Hiroshi 1990 上智大学経済学会 論文
91 Development of Tea Industry in Japan: A Study on Green Tea Producution and Marketing in the UJI Area. [佐賀大学経済論集 22(5)] PIYADASA, Ratnayake 1990 佐賀大学経済学会 論文
92 General Trading Companies: A Comparative and Historical Study YONEKAWA, Shinichi 1990 The United Nations University Press 著書
93 Revitalization of the Japanese Brewing Industry [学習院大学経済論集 27(2)] Asaba Shigeru 1990 学習院大学経済学会 論文
94 The Formation and Consequences of Policies for the Introduction of Foreign Technology in the Case of the Postwar Japanese Economy [政経論叢 58(6)] Nakamura Fumitaka 1990 明治大学政治経済研究所 論文
95 A Challenge to Orthodoxy and its Orthodox Critics: A Reply to Nishida Yoshiaki. [Journal of Japanese Studies 15(2)] SMETHURST, Richard J. 1989 Society for Japanese Studies 論文
96 Growth of the Meiji Landlord System and Tenancy Disputes after World War I: A Critique of Richard Smethurst, Agricultural Development and Tenancy Disputes in Japan, 1870-1940. [Journal of Japanese Studies 15(2)] NISHIDA, Yoshiaki 1989 Society for Japanese Studies 論文
97 The Development of Agricultural Statistics in Japan. [流通経済大学論集 84] Keizo Tsuchiya 1989 流通経済大学 論文
98 The Green Archipelago: Forestry in Preindustrial Japan. TOTMAN, Conrad 1989 Univ. of California Press 著書
99 The Japanese Business Community and National Trade Policy, 1920-1942. FLETCHER, William M. 1989 Univ. of North Carolina Press 著書
100 The Japanese Informal Empire in China, 1895-1937. DUUS, Peter, Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R.(eds.) 1989 Princeton Univ. Press 著書