

検索条件 分類[全て]=第三部 [日本経済史] 3-28. 欧文論著

表示数 表示順
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
No. 書名・論題
編著者 発行年 編集・発行 区分
341 Economic Development in Preindustrial Japan, 1859-1894 [The Journal of Economic History 25(4)] MIYAMOTO, Mataji,SAKUDO, Yotaro,YASUDA, Yasukichi 1965 Published for the Economic History Association by New York University Press 論文
342 Economic Theory and History of Japan in The Tokugawa Period, 2nd ed. HONJO, E. 1965 N. Y. 著書
343 Economic development and Intellectual history [経済学研究 15(1)] ISHIGAKI, Hiromi 1965 北海道大学経済学部 論文
344 Japan's Economic Expansion ALLEN, G. C. 1965 Oxford Univ. Press 著書
345 La conscience sociale chez les marchands d''Osaka a lepoque de Tokugawa (4). [Osaka Economic Papers Vol. 13 (2), No. 25] MIYAMOTO, Mataji 1965 Department of Economics, Osaka University 論文
346 Land Policy after Land Reform in Japan. [The Developing Economies 3(1)] KAJITA, M 1965 Institute of Developing Economies 論文
347 Land and Society in Medieval Japan. comp. and ed. by the Committee for the Publication of Dr. K. Asakawa's works, in cooperation with the Council on East Asian Studies Asakawa K. 1965 Yale Univ. Tokyo, Japan Society for the Promotion 著書
348 Le Miracle Economique Japonais. BROCHIER, H. 1965 Paris,Calmann-Levy 著書
349 Political Change and Industrial Development in Japan: Government Enterprise, 1868-1880 SMITH, Thomas, C. 1965 Stanford, Stanford University Press 著書
350 Special Issue / The Modernization of Japan. 1965 The Institute of Asian Economic Affairs 著書
351 Sumptuary regulation and Status in early Tokugawa Japan. [Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 25()] SHIVELY, Donald H 1965 Harvard-Yenching Institute 論文
352 The Social and Economic History of Japan.2nd. ed. HONJO, E. 1965 N. Y. 著書
353 The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan LOCKWOOD, W. W.【ed.】 1965 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton 著書
354 The System of Reserved Members for Seamen befor World War Ⅱ—The Employment System of Seamen in Japan— [Kobe Economic & Business Review 12] YAMAMOTO, Hiromasa 1965 Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University 論文
355 The production and uses of gold and silver in 16th and 17th century Japan. [The Economic History Review. 2nd series 18(2)] KOBATA, A. 1965 Economic History Society 論文
356 A Financial History of Modern Japan, (with the collaboration of Iwao Hoshii) ADAMS, T. F. M. 1964 Tokyo 著書
357 Agricultural development in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule. [Journal of Asian Studies 23(4)] MYERS, R, H.,A. Ching 1964 Institute of Asian Studies 論文
358 Energy inputs and the economic growth in Japan, 1875-1962 [Kobe University Economic Review 10] ISHIMITSU, Thoru 1964 Faculty of Economics, Kobe University 論文
359 Energy inputs and the economic growth in Japan, 1875-1962. [Kobe University Economic Review 10] ISHIMITSU, Thoru 1964 Faculty of Economics, Kobe University 論文
360 Note on shipping and trade in Japan and the Ryukyus. [Journal of Asian Studies 23(3)] CRAWCOUR, Sidney 1964 Institute of Asian Studies 論文