

検索条件 分類[全て]=第三部 [日本経済史] 3-28. 欧文論著

表示数 表示順
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25
No. 書名・論題
編著者 発行年 編集・発行 区分
241 Die historischen. und rechtlichen Grundlagen der japanischen Verfassung. Aus: Miyazawa Toshiyoshi, KempoTokyo (Yuhikaku). 1974 [法学雑誌 28(1)] HEUSER, Robert,YAMASAKI, Kazuaki 1981 大阪市立大学法学会 論文
242 Proindustrialization in the Domain of Choshu in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries [Keio Economic Studies 18(2)] NISHIKAWA, Shunsaku 1981 Keio Economic Society, Keio University 論文
243 Relations between the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu and U.S. and European Big Business, 1870-1940 [甲南経営研究 22(1)] MISHIMA, Yasuo 1981 甲南大学経営学会 論文
244 The Development of Japanese Business, 2nd ed. HIRSHMEIER, J. & Yui, T. 1981 George Allen & Unwin 著書
245 The Postwar Japanese Economy: Its Development and Structure NAKAMURA, Takahusa 1981 translated by Jacqueline Kaminski, Univ. of Tokyo 著書
246 Comparative Analysis of the Old Japanese Bookkeeping Method with the Western Bookkeeping Method. [Kyoto University Economic Review 50(1-2)] TAKATERA, Sadao 1980 The Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University 論文
247 Development and Diffusion of Technology OKOCHI, Akio / UCHIDA, Hoshimi (eds.) 1980 University of Tokyo Press 著書
248 Farm Technological Change and Farm Land Prices: Postwar Japan. [農経論叢 36] Jung Hwan Lee 1980 北海道大学農学部 論文
249 Human Resources in Japanese Industrial Development LEVINE, B. Solomon,KAWADA, Hisashi 1980 Princeton University Press 著書
250 Interventionism and Foreign Trade Statistics in Occupied Japan. [Japan and the United States: Economic and Political Adversaries] Leon Hollerman 1980 Westview Press 論文
251 Japan and the United States: Economic and Political Adversaries Leon Hollerman (ed.) 1980 Westview Press 著書
252 Japan before Tokugawa: Political Condition and Economic Growth, 1500-1650 HOLL, John W., Nagahara, Keiji and Yamamura, Kozo (eds.) 1980 Princeton University Press 著書
253 Japan's Economic Policy ALLEN, George C. 1980 London, Macmillan 著書
254 Sino-Japanese Business in China: The Luda Company, 1921-1937. [Journal of Asian Studies 39(4)] Tim Wright 1980 Institute of Asian Studies 論文
255 Social Mobilization in Early Twentieth Century Japan: The Process of Transforming from Subject to Participant among the Working Class. [経済系 126] SMILEY, William D. Jr. 1980 関東学院大学経済学会 論文
256 Structural Change and Policy Responce in Japanese Agriculture after the Land Reform. [Economic Development and Cultural Change 28(3)] Kaneda Hiromitsu 1980 University of Chicago Press 論文
257 The Modernization of the Japanese Currency System. [Acta Asiatica; Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture 39] Taya Hirokichi 1980 Toho Gakkai 論文
258 Big Business Groups and Financial Capital in Postwar Japan. [Hokudai Economic Papers 9] TOMINOMORI, Kenji 1979,1980 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University 論文
259 Industrial Location and Policy in Japan, 1945-1970 (Ⅰ・Ⅱ). [青山経済論集 31(1),31(4)] Nishioka Hisao,Oshiro Kenji 1979,1980 青山学院大学経済学会 論文
260 An Outline of Japanese Economic History, 1603-1940: Majour Works and Research Findings SUMIYA, Mikio / TAIRA, Koji 1979 University of Tokyo Press 著書