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Search condition Classification[All]=3 Japanese Economic History 3-5. Population

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[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
161 在郷町の歴史人口学―近世における地域と地方都市の発展― 髙橋 美由紀【著】 2005 ミネルヴァ書房 Book
162 Characteristics of the Mortality Crises in the Setouchi Region, 1772-1867: The Evidence from a Temple Death Resister [The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 188] SUGIYAMA, Seiko 2005 The Political Economy and Economic History Society Article
163 Population Reduction Society and Gender-equal Society: The Subject to<Work・Family・Balance> [Annual Report of the Faculty of Education, Gifu University. Humanities and Social Science 54(1)] YOSHIDA, Kazuko 2005 The Faculty of Education, Gifu University Article
164 Problems of Japanese Emigration to Australia in the pre-World War II Period [The Otemon Keizai Ronshu ; The Otemon Economic Review 40(1)] Tōama, Yoshihiro 2005 Otemon Gakuin Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economic Society of Otemon Gakuin University Article
165 Regional Changes in Demography, Production and Consumption in Minamiyama-Okurairi-Ryou in Northeastern Tokugawa Japan, 18th-19th Centuries [Tezukayama Academic Review 12] KAWAGUCHI, Hiroshi 2005 Tezukayama University Article
166 「人別送り一札」から「送籍券」へ―長原村城家文書の場合― [大阪の歴史 63] 木原 弘美 2004 大阪市史編纂所 Article
167 近世都市近郊農村の研究―大阪地方の農村人口― 三浦 忍【著】 2004 ミネルヴァ書房 Book
168 明治・大正期の神奈川県─人口構造と変動を中心に KOJIMA, Miyoko 2004 麗澤大学出版会 Book
169 A Study of the policy over migrant workers and its influence in Shibata Han [Rekishi ; Tohoku Historical Journal 102] TAKAHASHI, Nanako 2004 Tohoku Shigakukai ; Tohoku Historical Society Article
170 Administrative Labor Migration Program from Okinawa to "Mainlamd" Japan as a Foreign Country during the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands [The Human Geography ; Jimbun-Chiri 56(1)] YAMAGUCHI, Satoshi 2004 The Human Geographical Society of Japan Article
171 Characteristics of Mortality Patterns at Setouchi Region in 1772-1945: The Evidence from a Temple Death Register [The Journal of Agricultural History 38] SUGIYAMA, Seiko 2004 The Agricultural History Society of Japan Article
172 Population dynamics of cities and counties and urbanization in the Tokai area during the Meiji and Taisho periods: Analyzing "Kokoh-Chosa" population statistics [The Human Geography ; Jimbun-Chiri 56(5)] SUZUKI, Makoto 2004 The Human Geographical Society of Japan Article
173 Regional Aspects of Population Change in Iwami Shogunate Territory [Journal of Economics ; Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University 30] HIROSHIMA, Kiyoshi 2004 The Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University Article
174 Social Security in a Population-Policy Program [The Journal of Gifu Keizai University 37(2)] MASUYAMA, Michiyasu 2004 Gifu Institute of Economics Article
175 The Adoption, Transformation and Institutionalization of the Kaso Concept and Local Allocation Tax [The Human Geography ; Jimbun-Chiri 56(4)] KAJITA, Shin 2004 The Human Geographical Society of Japan Article
176 The Correlation between Mortality, Size and Density of Population before the Mortality Transition in Japan: an Analysis of "Statistics of Birth, Death, and Marriage in Cities for 1883" [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 69(5)] MURAKOSHI, Kazunori 2004 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
177 The Pattern of Rule and the Title of Shumon Aratame Cho [The Kokumin-Keizai Zasshi ; Journal of Economics & Business Administration 189(1)] MATSUURA, Akira 2004 The Keizai-Keiei Gakkai, Kobe University Article
178 人類史のなかの人口と家族 KINOSHITA, Futoshi / Hamano, Kiyoshi 2003 晃洋書房 Book
179 Adoption Practices in the Pre-modern South-Kanto Region [The Journal of Agricultural History 37] TOISHI, Nanami 2003 The Agricultural History Society of Japan Article
180 Economic Crisis and Demographic Change in early modern Kyoto: Based on the population registers of Nishijin District [The Keizai Ronshu ; The Economic Review of Kansai University 53(3)] HAMANO, Kiyoshi 2003 The Economic Society of Kansai University Article
