Die Lage der Landarbeiter im ostelbischen Deutschland
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Die statistische Analyse der Deutschen Turnerschaft im Kaiserreich
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OBARA, Jun |
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Eine Betrachtung über die Entstehung der Nationalsozialistischen Betriebszellen-Organisation: Aus dem Gesichtspumkt des organisatorischen Charakters
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HARADA, Masahiro |
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Feminism and Women's Education in Interwar England
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History of American 'Old' Labor Historiography
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Japanese Labor Movement in the Northwest of the United States, 1900-1914
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The Economic Association of Okayama University |
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L'Evoltion du probléme des Logements Insalubres de Paris au 19e siécle (Ⅱ)
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L'Evoltion du probléme des Logemeuts Insalubres de Paris au 19e siécle
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The Economic Institute of Seijo University |
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La naissance et l'évolution de la protection sociale en France
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HIROSAWA, Takayuki |
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Matsuyama University Academic Research Society |
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Mid-Victorian Sanitary Reform in Local Politics: A Case of Water-Supply Provision in Cambridge
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Nazism and Homosexuality
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New Right and the Trade Unions in Britain, 1964-1970
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The Law Society of Kansai University |
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Nikolai Ustrialov and the "Changing Signposts" Movement
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HIROOKA, Masahisa |
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Hogaku-Kenkyu-Kai ; The Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University |
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Octavia Hill's Contribution to the Growth of the "Open Space" Movement
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The Association of Japanese Geographers ; Nippon Chiri- Gakkai |
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On the Notion of "Feeble-mindedness" in England and Wales at the Century Turning Point
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Bunkashi Gakkai |
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PR ! : A Social History of Spin
EWEN, Stuart |
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Pension Systems and the Roles of the State (2)
[Hogaku Kyokai Zassi ; Journal of the Jurisprudence Association, the University of Tokyo 120(6)]
DAKE, Sayaka |
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Jurisprudence Association, University of Tokyo Facuty of Law |
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Pension Systems and the Roles of the State (3)
[Hogaku Kyokai Zassi ; Journal of the Jurisprudence Association, the University of Tokyo 120(7)]
DAKE, Sayaka |
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Jurisprudence Association, University of Tokyo Facuty of Law |
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Pension Systems and the Roles of the State (4)
[Hogaku Kyokai Zassi ; Journal of the Jurisprudence Association, the University of Tokyo 120(8)]
DAKE, Sayaka |
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Jurisprudence Association, University of Tokyo Facuty of Law |
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SAFs tekniska avdelning (Ⅱ)
[Rikkyo Economic Review 57(1)]
ISHIHARA, Shunji |
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Economic Society of Rikkyo University |
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