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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
1601 Volga Germans' Unknown Revolution in 1917-1918: The Establishment of Volga German Workers' Commune [Shisen ; Historical & Geographical Studies in Kansai University 100] INUI, Masayuki 2004 The Historical & Geographical Society of Kansai University Article
1602 ナショナル・トラストの軌跡─1895~1945年─ 四元 忠博【著】 2003 緑風出版 Book
1603 市民社会と協会運動―交差する1848/49年革命研究と市民社会論― 村上 俊介【著】 2003 御茶の水書房 Book
1604 近代ドイツ=資格社会の展開 MOCHIDA, Yukio 2003 名古屋大学出版会 Book
1605 近代バルカン都市社会史―多元主義空間における宗教とエスニシティ― 佐原 徹哉【著】 2003 刀水書房 Book
1606 ドイツにおける夫婦別姓の導入 [歴史評論 636] 富田 哲 2003 歴史科学協議会 Article
1607 "Stadtgemeinde" and Merchant Groups in Medieval Europe [Hosei-Shigaku ; Journal of Hosei Historical Society in Hosei University 60] UOZUMI, Masayoshi 2003 Hosei Historical Society in Hosei University Article
1608 A Demographic Analysis of the Orphan Trains, 1854-1900 [Jimbun Ronkyu ; Humanities Review ; The Journal of the Literary Association of Kwansei Gakuin University 53(3)] TANAKA, Kikuyo 2003 The Literary Association, Kwansei Gakuin University Article
1609 A review on the indigenous feminism in Mexico [The Social Sciences 70] SHIBATA, Nobuko 2003 Institute for the Study of Humanities & Social Science, Doshisha University Article
1610 Affirmative Action for Brack-Owned Business Enterprises: Programs of the U.S. Small Business Administration in the 1960s [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 209] ASANO, Keiichi 2003 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
1611 Anti-Semitism and Catholics in Fin de Siècle France: A Dilemma of the Third Republic in France [Ritsumeikan Law Review 286] NAKATANI, Takeshi 2003 The Ritsumeikan University Law Association Article
1612 Australian Higher Education Reforms in the Postwar Era SUGIMOTO, Kazuhiro 2003 Toshindo publishing co., Ltd Book
1613 Bread and People: the Moral Economy in Nineteenth-Century Prussia YAMANE, Tetsuya 2003 Yamakawa-Shuppansha Ltd Book
1614 Current Issues in Social Work Theories in Germany and Japan: a Historical Perspective [The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ; Jimbun Gakuho 339] OKADA, Emiko 2003 The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Tokyo Metropolitan University Article
1615 Der Erfolg und die Grenze des sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Deutschland 1950 bis 1989 [Economic Review, Shizuoka University 7(3・4) 合併号] TAKAKURA, Hiroki 2003 The Law and Economic Society, Shizuoka University Article
1616 Der Zunftkampf in der mittelalterlichen Stadt Köln [Osaka Law Review ; Handai Hogaku 52(5)] HAYASHI, Takeshi 2003 Osaka University ; Osaka Daigaku Article
1617 Did Mary Wollstonecraft contribute to The Cabinet?: Radicalism, Charity and Dissenting Circles in the 1790s Britain, part 2 [The Hitotsubashi Review 129(2)] UMEGAKI, Chihiro 2003 The Hitotsubashi Gakkai, Hitotsubashi University Article
1618 Die Entstehung der geschenkten Handwerke im 15. Jahrhundert [Academic Studies. Geography・History・Social Science 52] SAKUMA, Hironobu 2003 The School of Education, Waseda University Article
1619 Die Historische Betrachtung des Arbeitskampfbegriffes in Deutschland (1): Eine Vorstudie zur Behandlung des Nichtgewerkschaftlichen Arbeitskampfes [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 152(4)] DIUN, H 2003 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
1620 Die Historische Betrachtung des Arbeitskampfbegriffes in Deutschland (2): Eine Vorstudie zur Behandlung des Nichtgewerkschaftlichen Arbeitskampfes [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 153(3)] DIUN, H 2003 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
