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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
1581 The Development of the Civil Rights in the Reconstruction Era: The "Conservative" Supreme Court Reconsidered (6) [Hogaku Zasshi ; Journal of Law and Politics of Osaka City University 50(3)] KATSUTA, Takuya 2004 The Association of Law and Politics, Osaka City University Article
1582 The Development of the Civil Rights in the Reconstruction Era: The "Conservative" Supreme Court Reconsidered (7) [Hogaku Zasshi ; Journal of Law and Politics of Osaka City University 50(4)] KATSUTA, Takuya 2004 The Association of Law and Politics, Osaka City University Article
1583 The Development of the Civil Rights in the Reconstruction Era: The "Conservative" Supreme Court Reconsidered (8) [Hogaku Zasshi ; Journal of Law and Politics of Osaka City University 51(1)] KATSUTA, Takuya 2004 The Association of Law and Politics, Osaka City University Article
1584 The Enlightenment movement in 18 century and Preussen Reformation: From viewpoint of Association and salon studies [Bunkenkai Kiyo ; The Journal of the Graduate school of Humanities 15] OHSHIMA, Takahiro 2004 The Association of Graduate School of Humanities, Aichigakuin University Article
1585 The Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration and the Contribution of George Fisher Baker [The Journal of Gifu Keizai University 37(2)] KUROKAWA, Hiroshi 2004 Gifu Institute of Economics Article
1586 The Historical Origin of "Unified Trade Union " in Germany: The Organizational Aspects of DGB [Rikkyo Economic Review 58(2)] MASUDA, Tachihiko 2004 Economic Society of Rikkyo University Article
1587 The Hygiene and Health of the Elementary Public Education in the Third French Republic, 1871-1914 [Shiso ; Journal of Historical Studies 45] IMOTO, Haruko 2004 The Historical Society of Japan Women's University Article
1588 The Industrial Revolution and Trade Unions: Changes of the British Cotton Spinners' Unions, 1810-1830 [Senshu Keizaigaku Ronshu ; Economic Bulletin of Senshu University 39(1)] TANAKA, Akiyoshi 2004 Senshu Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economics Society of Senshu University Article
1589 The Institutional Basis of urban Society in the 20th Century: A Socio-historical Analysis of the Child and Maternal Health System [The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 183] KAWAGOE, Osamu 2004 The Political Economy and Economic History Society Article
1590 The International Transportworkers Federation: its Past, Present and Future [The Keizai Ronshu ; The Economic Review of Kansai University 54(2)] KOBAYASHI, Hideo 2004 The Economic Society of Kansai University Article
1591 The Labor Movement and Workingwomen in Modern Mexico [The Social Sciences 72] HAYASHI, Michiyo 2004 Institute for the Study of Humanities & Social Science, Doshisha University Article
1592 The Mass Emigration from Agriculture in Post-War East Germany:Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 1952-1955 [The Natural Resource Economic Review, Kyoto University 10] ADACHI, Yoshihiro 2004 Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Article
1593 The New Deal and the Structural Changes of the American Capitalism [The Yokohama Shodai Ronshu 38(1)] KUSUI, Toshiroh 2004 Yokohama College of Commerce Article
1594 The Paris Police Reform, 1666-1667 [Thought 959] TAKAZAWA, Norie 2004 Iwanami Shoten Article
1595 The Reform of High School Educational System by W. v. Humboldt in 19th Century in Prussia: Focusing on the Programs for Königsberg and Lithuania [The Rekishi Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 41] OTA, Hiroshi 2004 *** Unknown *** Article
1596 The Reform of the material incentive system in the former GDR: The Case of Premium System and Welfare Funds within Enterprises [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 70(4・5) 合併号] SHIRAKAWA, Kinya 2004 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
1597 The Textual Strategies of Sir Thomas Elyot [The Bunka-Shigaku ; Studies in the Cultural History 60] UEDA, Akihiro 2004 Bunkashi Gakkai Article
1598 The capitalist development of the Scottish coal industry from the last quarter of the 18th century [The Kagoshima Journal of Economics 44(4)] KATO, Kazuhiro 2004 The Faculty of Economics, the International University of Kagoshima Article
1599 Unemployment Relief and Unemployment Statistics in the United Kingdom: The Formation of Prototypes of Claimant Account Statistics [The Keizai Ronshu ; The Economic Review of Kansai University 54(1)] IWAI, Hiroshi 2004 The Economic Society of Kansai University Article
1600 Union Reforms in the Transport and General Workers' Union in the late 1960s and early 1970s: Developments and Limits [Senshu Keizaigaku Ronshu ; Economic Bulletin of Senshu University 39(1)] ASAMI, Kazuhiko 2004 Senshu Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economics Society of Senshu University Article
