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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
1521 The Personal Scope of Labour Law in the UK(1) [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 157(5)] IWANAGA, M. 2005 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
1522 The Previous Researches Influencing the Formation of Taylor System(1): the Gain-sharing by Henry R. Towne [Mita Business Review 48(4)] MAEDA, Jun 2005 The Society of Business and Commerce, Keio University Article
1523 The Process of Economic Integration in EU [The Ritsumeikan Economic Review 53(5・6) 合併号] IWATA, Katsuo 2005 The Ritsumaikan University Economic Society Article
1524 The Reality of "Asylia" and "Escape to Sanctity" in Ancient Greece [Shigaku-Zasshi 114(11)] IKEZU, Tetsunori 2005 Shigakukai ; The Historical Society of Japan Article
1525 The Transformation of Social Policy in European Welfare States: Poor Law and Welfare States [Seikei Kenkyu ; Studies in Political Science and Economics 42(1)] YANO, Satoshi 2005 Nihon University Article
1526 The Universal Labor Service in Revolutinary Russia [Shigaku-Zasshi 114(8)] IKEDA, Yoshiro 2005 Shigakukai ; The Historical Society of Japan Article
1527 The transformation of British life, 1950-2000: A social history ROSEN, Andrew 2005 岩波書店 Book
1528 University and Society in A. Smith [Seikei Kenkyu ; Studies in Political Science and Economics 41(4)] YAMAGUCHI, Masaharu 2005 Nihon University Article
1529 Über das Immatrikurationswesen der perussischen Universitäten in dem 19. Jahrhndert [Studies in the Humanities and Sciences 46(1)] MORIKAWA, Jun 2005 Hiroshima Shudo University Article
1530 Über mehrere Bemühungen um die Kanalisierung der Stadt Berlin in der Wilhelminischen Zeit (2): von Hobrecht zu Virchow [The Review of Economics & Political Science 74(1・2) 合併号] KANEKO, mitsuo 2005 The Economic and Political Institute of Meiji University Article
1531 女性と労働─雇用・技術・家庭の英独日比較史研究─ YOSHIDA, Keiko 2004 日本経済評論社 Book
1532 実業世界の教育社会史 望田 幸男, 広田 照幸【編】 2004 昭和堂 Book
1533 制度と生活世界 朝倉 尚[ほか]【共編】 2004 培風館 Book
1534 家族の起源─エンゲルス『家族、私有財産および国家の起源』と現代民族学─ 増補版 江守 五夫【著】 2004 九州大学出版会 Book
1535 内なる帝国・内なる他者―在英黒人の歴史― HIRATA, Masahiro 2004 晃洋書房 Book
1536 農園主と奴隷のアメリカ TAKINO, Tetsuro 2004 Sekaishisosha Book
1537 スペイン・ユダヤ民族史─寛容から不寛容へいたる道 近藤 仁之【著】 2004 Tosui Shobo Book
1538 17世紀イングランドの家族と政治思想 KANAYA, Heizo 2004 晃洋書房 Book
1539 A Survey of Urbanization in the English Midlands, c. 1550-1750 [The Keizai Gaku ; Annual Report of the Economic Society 65(4)] KAWANA, Yoh 2004 The Economic Society, Tohoku University Article
1540 グルジアの義賊伝説と「テロリスト」 [歴史評論 647] 伊藤 順二 2004 歴史科学協議会 Article
