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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
1381 Die Städtische Fastnacht und ihr Entwicklungsprozeß in Nürnberg im Späten Mittelaler [Seiyoshi Ronso ; Studies in Western History 28] WATANABE, Yuichi 2006 Waseda Daigaku Seiyoshi Kenkyukai ; Historical Society of Waseda University, Western History Article
1382 Die badische Gewerbeförderungspolitik und soziale Frage im Vormarz [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 75(1)] MORI, Ryoji 2006 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
1383 Die fremden Täufer in Augsburg (1526~1528) [Seiyoshi Ronso ; Studies in Western History 28] HAYAKAWA, Asako 2006 Waseda Daigaku Seiyoshi Kenkyukai ; Historical Society of Waseda University, Western History Article
1384 Die öffentliche Meinung im Rheinland unter der französischen Besatzung (1794-97) [The Shirin ; The Journal of History 89(6)] SONOYA, Munekazu 2006 The Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Historical Research, Kyoto University Article
1385 Eine Sozialgeschichte der Ostelbischen Bauern aus Mikrohistorischer Perspektive 1648-1806 [Mita Gakkai Zasshi ; Mita Journal of Economics 99(3)] IIDA, Takashi 2006 The Keio Economic Society Article
1386 Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft TAMURA, Mitsuaki 2006 社会評論社 Book
1387 Establishment of the factory system in the flour-milling industry in Budapest: introduction of modern technolgy and formation of the capitalist-worker relationship [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 71(6)] TAKADA, Shigeomi 2006 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
1388 Fabrikanten and Kaufleute: Merchants of Lower Rhine on the Period of the Industrial Revolution [The Otemon Keizai Ronshu ; The Otemon Economic Review 41(1)] WATANABE, Hisashi 2006 Otemon Gakuin Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economic Society of Otemon Gakuin University Article
1389 Family policies in Germany in the second half of the 20th century: a comparative analysis of modern society from a historical perspective [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 71(6)] KAWAGOE, Osamu 2006 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
1390 George Orwell Today : Totalitarianism, Regime Change and the Iraq War [Nihon University Journal of Business 76(1)] TAKEUCHI, Yukio 2006 Nihon Daigaku Shogaku Kenkyukai Article
1391 Giustizia nel comune dell' Italia medievale: Conflitti e risoluzioni giudiziarie [The Shirin ; The Journal of History 89(3)] NAKATANI, So 2006 The Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Historical Research, Kyoto University Article
1392 Human Network in Middle Nineteenth Century Aegean Region: With Reference to the Activities of Non-Muslim Bandit [Sundai Shigaku ; Sundai Historical Review 127] YOSHIDA, Tatsuya 2006 Sundai Historical Association of Meiji University Article
1393 Hyacinthe Dubreuil et ses idées du travail en équipe ou ses critiques de la société industielle française des annèes 1930 [The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Commerce 63] NORIKAWA, Satoshi 2006 Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University Article
1394 Identifying Migration and National State in Methodological Transnationalism [Japanese Sociological Review ; Shakaigaku Hyoron 57(1)] OOI, Yuki 2006 The Japan Sociological Society Article
1395 In Pursuit of John Muir's Vision: National Park Enlargement Movement in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California,1891-1940 [Shien ; The Journal of Historical Studies, Rikkyo University 66(2)] KATO, Tetuzou 2006 The Historical Society of Rikkyo University Article
1396 Individual Labour Disputes in the UK:Issues concerning their Theoretical Concept and Survey of their History [Meiji Business Review 54(1)] ENDO, Koshi 2006 Institute of Business Management, Meiji University Article
1397 Industrial Associations and Industrial Relationship in the 19th-century France [Keizaikei ; Quarterly Journal of Economics 227] OMORI, Hiroyoshi 2006 The Society of Economics, Kanto Gakuin University Article
1398 Industrial Restructuring and the Influx of Mexican Migrants to the Rural Midwest of the United States: Restructuring Strategies of the Meatpacking Industry [Japanese Sociological Review ; Shakaigaku Hyoron 57(1)] MAZUMI, Yusuke 2006 The Japan Sociological Society Article
1399 Indutrialization and Development of Environmental Legislation in Prussia during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century: A Trigger for Activation of Environmental Movements [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 72(5・6) 合併号] TAKITA, Hiromichi 2006 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
1400 J. H. Wichern in German Socio-economic History [The Journal of Economics of Kwansei Gakuin University 59(3・4)] KITAMURA, Jiichi 2006 Research Group of the School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University Article
