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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
1201 The Formation of Ford System and Its Significance(2) [Mita Business Review 51(2)] MAEDA, Jun 2008 The Society of Business and Commerce, Keio University Article
1202 The Formation of Taylor System and Its Significance (3) : Considering the Three Works of Taylor [Mita Business Review 50(6)] MAEDA, Jun 2008 The Society of Business and Commerce, Keio University Article
1203 The Growth of the Manor Sir Paul Vinogradoff ; TOMIZAWA, Reigan / SUZUKI, Toshiaki(translator) 2008 Sobunsha Book
1204 The Labor-Management Relations of AT&T in the Early New Deal Era [The Meijo Review 8(4)] MIYAZAKI, Shinji 2008 The Society of Economics and Business Management, Meijo University Article
1205 The Liberated Africans in Sierra Leone in the First Half of the 19th Century [Keizaigaku-Ronso ; The Doshisha University Economic Review 60(3)] FURUGAWA, Masahiro 2008 The Doshisha Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; The Doshisha Economic Association Article
1206 The Moving Practices of the Italian Immigrants and the Making of the Immigrants Communities in France: From the late Nineteeth Century to the World War I. [Shiso ; Journal of Historical Studies 49] KITAMURA, Akeo 2008 The Historical Society of Japan Women's University Article
1207 The Nobodies Who Changed History: Debate over the Composition Questions in the Entrance Examination of Tsinghua University in 1932 [Historical Research 314] LUO, Zhitian 2008 Chinese Academy of Social Science, the Institute of History Article
1208 The Paris Commune and the International Working Men Association [Rikkyo Economic Review 61(3)] KOMATSU, Yoshio 2008 Economic Society of Rikkyo University Article
1209 The Policey and Communications during the late 18th Century in the German State of Lippe [Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 836] IKEDA, Toshiaki 2008 Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan Article
1210 The Political Philothophy of German Municipality at the Turn of the Century: A Case Study of the German Municipal Exposition(Dresden, 1903) [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 232] MORI, Takahito 2008 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
1211 The Social Functions of the Gladiatorial Games and Amphitheater in Roman Nîmes [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 230] SANO, Mitsuyoshi 2008 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
1212 The Wisconsin Unemployment Compensation Act of 1932 and the New Deal: the 'Wisconsin idea' and the politics of Governor Philip La Follette [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 73(6)] SATO, Chitose 2008 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
1213 The cause : a short history of the woman's movement in Great Britain STRACHEY, Ray 2008 Misuzu shobo Book
1214 The development of coal mining and the local people in the eighteenth century Central Fife, Scotland: A Study of the Rothes Papers(1) [The Kagoshima Journal of Economics 48(1-4) 合併号] KATO, Kazuhiro 2008 The Faculty of Economics, the International University of Kagoshima Article
1215 The georgian town 1680-1840 ELLIS, Joyce M. 2008 Hosei university press Book
1216 The housing policy in Prague during the interwar period: the social policies and socialist parties in Czechoslovakia [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 74(1)] MORISHITA, Yoshiyuki 2008 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
1217 The introduction of the new production management techniques and the trade union response [Komazawa Business Review ; Komadai Keiei Kenkyu 39(3・4) 合併号] HUJIWARA, Atsushi 2008 Business Research Institute, Komazawa University Article
1218 The “Organization Problem” in Weimar Germany's Socialist Unions: The Adoption, Execution and Failure of the Plan for Transformation [Rikkyo Economic Review 62(2)] MASUDA, Tachihiko 2008 Economic Society of Rikkyo University Article
1219 Tracing Historical Literature of American Housework (3) [The Sanken Ronshu ; Industrial and Business Review 35] MORI, Takashi 2008 Institute of Industrial and Business Management, Department of Business Administration, Sapporo University Article
1220 Tracing Historical Literature of American Housework (4) [The Sanken Ronshu ; Industrial and Business Review 36] MORI, Takashi 2008 Institute of Industrial and Business Management, Department of Business Administration, Sapporo University Article
