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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
1161 Entwicklungsstufen des Urfehdewesens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der süddeutschen Städte im späten Mittelalter [Kumamoto Law Review ; Kumamoto-Hogaku 114] WAKASONE, Kenji 2008 The Kumamoto University Law Association Article
1162 Forced Migration and Social Cohesion: Determinants of Forced Immigrant's Integration [Bulletin of Daito Bunka University 46] KOIZUMI, Koichi 2008 Daito Bunka University Article
1163 Forced Participation of Reluctant Landowners in Irrigation Associations in France (19th Century) [The Journal of Agricultural History 42] ITAMI, Kazuhiro 2008 The Agricultural History Society of Japan Article
1164 Formation and Development of the Chicago Sewage System and Illinois Canal in the 19th Century [Journal of Economics 109(2)] IZAWA, Masaoki 2008 The Economic Society of Osaka City University Article
1165 Formation of Racial Slavery in the United States [Seinan Journal of Cultures 23(1)] MORITA, Hideyuki 2008 Seinan Gakuin University Article
1166 From Marxism to Neoliberalism: the Track of Mario Vargas Llosa [The Ritsumeikan Business Review 46(5)] TATEBAYASHI, Ryoichi 2008 The Society of Business Administration of Ritsumeikan University Article
1167 Geschichtliche Entwicklung von der gesetzlichen Regelung über die Vereinbarung eines nachvertraglichen Wettbewerbsverbotes in Deutschland (2) [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 163(2)] JUNG, Y. 2008 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
1168 Geschichtliche Entwicklung von der gesetzlichen Regelung über die Vereinbarung eines nachvertraglichen Wettbewerbsverbotes in Deutschland (3) [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 163(3)] JUNG, Y. 2008 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
1169 Historisch-soziales Aussehen der Kantischen Lehre über die bürgerliche Gesellschaft [Shimonoseki City University Review 51(1-3) 合併号] NISHIDA, Masahiro 2008 The Shimonoseki City University Association for Intellectual Studies Article
1170 Immigration policy in France and its Discours [Sandai Law Review ; Sandai Hogaku 42(2)] NAKATANI, Masanori 2008 Kyoto Sangyo University Law Association Article
1171 John Stuart Mill's Thought and His Associationism [Senshu Keizaigaku Ronshu ; Economic Bulletin of Senshu University 42(3)] MURAKAMI, Shunsuke 2008 Senshu Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economics Society of Senshu University Article
1172 Koloman Wallisch and a Revolt in February 1934 in Austria [The Ritsumeikan Business Review 47(3)] ITO, Tomio 2008 The Society of Business Administration of Ritsumeikan University Article
1173 Kultur, Leben und Geschlechter: Problem bei Simmel mit Berücksichtigung auf Marianne Webers Frauentheorie [Japanese Sociological Review ; Shakaigaku Hyoron 58(4)] KAWAMOTO, Kakuko 2008 The Japan Sociological Society Article
1174 Kulturgeschichte der Christlichen Orden in Einzeldarstellungen DINZELBACHER, Peter / HOGG, James Lester ; ASAKURA, Bun-ichi 2008 八坂書房 Book
1175 La Révolte de subsistence à Alençon en 1789 [Senshu-Shigaku ; Journal of the Historical Association of Senshu University 44] OMI, Yoshiaki 2008 Historical Association of Senshu University Article
1176 La politique de population sous le gouvernement de Vichy et ses effets (2): Une analyse sur les causes de la reprise de la natalité française en 1942 [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 163(1)] FUKUSHIMA, T. 2008 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
1177 La politique de population sous le gouvernement de Vichy et ses effets (3): Une analyse sur les causes de la reprise de la natalité française en 1942 [Hogakuronso ; Kyoto Law Review 163(2)] FUKUSHIMA, T. 2008 The Kyoto University Law Association Article
1178 La teoría de la prudentia en el De Disciplinis de Luis Vives [The Ritsumeikan Business Review 46(5)] ANDO, Shinjiro 2008 The Society of Business Administration of Ritsumeikan University Article
1179 M. Arnold's "Emerson" and the Enlargement of American Civilization [Bulletin of Daito Bunka University 46] WATANABE, Eitaro 2008 Daito Bunka University Article
1180 Marx and Utilitarianism [Senshu Keizaigaku Ronshu ; Economic Bulletin of Senshu University 43(2)] MATSUI, Satoshi 2008 Senshu Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economics Society of Senshu University Article
