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Search condition Classification[All]=4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-3. Primary Sector of Industry & Land System

Record(s) hit 1755
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
821 Acquisition and Transport of the Building Materials for Temples around Wu-Tai Mountain in Ming Dynasty: Mainly for Wood, Copper, Iron, etc [Cheng Kung Journal of Hitorical Studies 27] CHEN, Yuh-neu 2003 Department of History, National Cheng Kung University Article
822 Agricultural Policies and Rural Society in South Korea under Authoritarian Regieme(3): Specially Focused on Park Chung-Hee's Administration [Kokka Gakkai Zassi ; The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences 116(5・6) 合併号] 若畑 省二 2003 Kokka Gakkai Article
823 An Introduction of Agricultural Economics Analysis on China Northeast Area at Prewar-days: Arrangement of Reference and Production Statistics [The Journal of Tokyo Keizai University 233] QUAN, Zhenan 2003 Tokyo Keizai Association of Economics Article
824 Oil Shale Business of South Manchuria Railway Company, 1909-31 [Mita Gakkai Zasshi ; Mita Journal of Economics 95(4)] YAMAMOTO, Yu 2003 The Keio Economic Society Article
825 On the Investigation on the High Mountain Area of Formosa under the rule of the Japanese Governments in the 1930's [The Takachiho Ronso 38(1)] UESUGI, Mitsuhiko 2003 Takachiho University Shogakukai Article
826 One Hundred Years of Forest Management Policy in the Philippines: Policy Perspectives on Local People [Study of Economic History ; Keizaishi Kenkyu 7] HAYAMA, Atsuko 2003 Institute for Research in Economic History of Japan, Osaka University of Economics Article
827 Reconsider Various Theories on Classification and Genealogy of Asian Plow [The Sho-Kei Ronso ; The Review of Economics and Commerce 38(4)] KONO, Michiaki 2003 The Society of Economics, Kanagawa University Article
828 Regional Structure of Bengal Agrarian Societies under Colonial Rule (Ⅱ) [Hitotsubashi University Research Series. Economics 45] TANIGUCHI, Shinkichi 2003 Committee for the Hitotsubashi University Research Series Article
829 Settlement and Independence of Hunting Peoples: The "Progress" and "Civilization" of the Orenqens in Northeastern China [The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ; Jimbun Gakuho 338] MA, Guoqing 2003 The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Tokyo Metropolitan University Article
830 Spatial changes in Mok-p'o City and the neighboring district in Korean Peninsula under Japanese Rule: Analyzing the cadasters and cadastral maps [The Human Geography ; Jimbun-Chiri 55(4)] YAMAMOTO, Takatsugu 2003 The Human Geographical Society of Japan Article
831 The Royal Paddy and Reservoirs of King Sisowath [The Toyo Gakuho ; The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 85(3)] KITAGAWA, Takako 2003 The Toyo Bunko Article
832 The changing socio-economic structure of Indian villages and the decline in elite control of resources: changes in the use of common lands in south Indian villages over the past hundred years [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 68(6)] YANAGISAWA, Haruka 2003 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
833 安徽省休寧県龍田郷浯田嶺村における山林経営方式の特徴—清嘉慶年間と現在を中心にして— [史学 71(4)] 渋谷 裕子 2002 三田史学会 Article
834 中国東北三省における稲作の成長と技術進歩に関する経済分析—単収成長の要因分析を中心に— [農林業問題研究 38(1)] 張 越傑 2002 地域農林経済学会 Article
835 梭子村曽氏一家の衰退史からみた戦前中国地主のプロファイル [三田商学研究 45(4)] 任 大川 2002 慶応義塾大学商学部 Article
836 南満州における土地商租問題 [国学院雑誌 103(3)] 馬場 明 2002 国学院大学 Article
837 中国農村土地所有権と労働配分・経済発展 [三田商学研究 44(6)] 任 大川 2002 慶応義塾大学商学部 Article
838 中国の農業政策の光と影 [農業と経済 68(6)] 山本 裕美 2002 昭和堂 Article
839 所得格差と農業・農村問題 [農業と経済 68(6)] 池上 彰英 2002 昭和堂 Article
840 中国のジャポニカ米戦略—黒龍江省を中心に— [農業と経済 68(4)] 加古 敏之,張 建平 2002 昭和堂 Article
