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Search condition Classification[All]=4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-3. Primary Sector of Industry & Land System

Record(s) hit 1755
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
741 The Import of Coal and Its Consumption Circumstances in Modern Shanghai [Shisen ; Historical & Geographical Studies in Kansai University 103] WANG, Li 2006 The Historical & Geographical Society of Kansai University Article
742 The Landlords and Peasants in South Shandong Local Society, 1850-1940 [The Toyoshi kenkyu hokoku, or, the journal of oriental history, Nagoya University 30] ARATAKE, Tatsuro 2006 The Society for the Study of Oriental History, Nagoya University Article
743 The Taiwan Peasant Movement Blending with Colonizing Farming Society Configuration under Japanese Imperialism: Track Two Approach Evaluation [The Kokugakuin University Economic Review ; The Kokugakuin Keizaigaku 54(3・4) 合併号] TWU, J.Y. 2006 Kokugakuin Daigaku Keizai Gakkai Article
744 The change of agricultural production system and Land Problems in the Sunan area of China: A follow-up research of Kaixiangong village(1) [The Nokei Ronso ; The Review of Agricultural Economics, Hokkaido University 62] SAKASHITA, Akihiko / Park, Hong / Ichiki, Takateru 2006 The Department of Agricultural Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University Article
745 The cotton improvement project in Turkey: the case of Adana from the 1930s to 1940s [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 72(4)] HISA, Yuko 2006 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
746 Transformation and Renovation of Taiwan Salt and Soda Industry [Social systems studies 12] CHEN, Tsu-yu ; HOSHINO, Takako / XU, Shanshan 2006 The Institute of Social Systems Ritumeikan University Article
747 Wool Production of China and Structual Changes of its Export Market in the Begining of 20th Century [Journal of Farm Management Economics 38] Arouhanbatu 2006 Resource Management and Economics Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University Article
748 先史日本を復元する 4 稲作伝来 MORIOKA, Hideto / Nakazono, Satoru / Shitara, Hiromi 2005 岩波書店 Book
749 イチョウ (ものと人間の文化史 129) 今野 敏雄【著】 2005 法政大学出版局 Book
750 アジアの農地制度と食糧 OHNO, Toru 2005 晃洋書房 Book
751 近代中国の農村経済と地主制 小島 淑男【著】 2005 汲古書院 Book
752 家畜の起源と牧畜技術の多様化 [季刊民族学 113] 本郷 一美 2005 千里文化財団 Article
753 中国国民政府と農村社会―農業金融・合作社政策の展開― 飯塚 靖【著】 2005 汲古書院 Book
754 中国古代王権と祭祀 OKAMURA, Hidenori 2005 学生社 Book
755 朝鮮往来―朝鮮蘭谷機械農場からの便り― Shiunsei 2005 Yamamoto, Takuya Book
756 朝鮮半島に夢を求めて―野村ファミリー激動の世紀 朝鮮往来(抄)― Shiunsei et al. / Yamamoto, Takuya 2005 Yamamoto, Takuya Book
757 「農本」主義と「黄土」の発生 (古代中国の開発と環境 2) HARA, Motoko 2005 研文出版 Book
758 蒙地奉上―「満州国」の土地政策― 広川 佐保【著】 2005 汲古書院 Book
759 Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Native Customary Land Tenure in Sarawak [Southeast Asian Studies 43(1)] NGIDANG, Dimbab 2005 Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Article
760 Mangrove Plantation and Land Property Rights: A Lesson from the Coastal Area of South Sulawesi, Indonesia [Southeast Asian Studies 43(2)] AMRI, Andi 2005 Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Article
