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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-11. Science & Technology

Record(s) hit 1173
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
681 Establishment and Development of Institutes of Technological Education in the Meiji Era [Nara Prefectural University Kenkyukiho 15(2・3) 合併号] TODA, Kiyoko 2004 Nara Prefectural University Article
682 Formation of the Military: Industrial-academic complex in science and technology fields in modern Japan [Thought 968] HATANO, Isamu 2004 Iwanami Shoten Article
683 ISHIDA 1923-2004 石田 正憲【編】 2004 ISHIDA Book
684 Lectures on agriculture by William P. Brooks, professor of agriculture TAKAI, Munehiro 2004 Hokkaido University Press Book
685 Naval Shipbuilder "Sueo Nonaka" and his Contribution to Japanese Naval Shipbuilding [The Kumamoto-Gakuen Journal of Commerce 10(1)] MOTOYAMA, Souki 2004 The Society of Commerce, Kumamoto-Gakuen University Article
686 Research and Development in Wartime Japan: Mobilization of Science & Technology and Intensification of Joint Research [Osaka Economic Papers 54(3)] SAWAI, Minoru 2004 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
687 The Agency of Technology founded on the New Order of the Administration System for the Promotion of Science & Technology: Referring to the Monobe Yoji's Collection [Meiji Business Review 51(3)] OHYODO, Shoichi 2004 Institute of Business Management, Meiji University Article
688 The Appearance of "Gijutsusha" (the Career Technicians) at Mitsubishi, 1886-1907 [Mitsubishi Archives Review 5] SUZUKI, Yoshitaka 2004 The Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute Article
689 The Bow Shape of the Marukobune Boat, Traditional Wooden Boat in the Lake Biwa Region [Shigaku ; The Historical Science 73(2・3) 合併号] MAKINO, Kumi 2004 Mita-Shigaku-Kai ; The Mita Historical Society Article
690 The Formation of the Modern Medical System and a Business Activity of the Japan Medical Association: A Business History of the Nippon Medical Mutural Life Industry Company, 1919-1933 [Hitotsubashi University Research Series. Commerce & Management 45] YONEYAMA, Takau 2004 Working Committee for Academic Publication, Hitotsubashi University Article
691 The History of Wood-building Techniques in Japan: The Development of Carpentry Tools WATANABE, Akira 2004 中央公論美術出版 Book
692 The Owari-han's-Oishi(clan-patronized doctors who attended to the feudal lords and their families) in the Bakumatsu-Ishin period of a great change. Part Two. [Bulletin of the Tokugawa Institute for the History of Forestry ; Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyujo Kenkyu Kiyo 38] IWASHITA, Tetsunori 2004 The Tokugawa Institute for the History of Forestry ; Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyujo Article
693 The Reconstruction of the Introduction of Long-bottom Plows by Taika Reform's Government [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 188] KONO, Michiaki 2004 Osaka Historical Association Article
694 The Role of Regional Bank and Technical School in Hizen Porcelain District, 1880s-1900s [Osaka Economic Papers 54(3)] YAMADA, Takehisa 2004 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
695 屋根―檜皮葺と杮葺 (ものと人間の文化史 112) 原田 多加司【著】 2003 法政大学出版局 Book
696 道 Ⅰ (ものと人間の文化史 116-Ⅰ) 武部 健一【著】 2003 法政大学出版局 Book
697 道 Ⅱ (ものと人間の文化史 116-Ⅱ) 武部 健一【著】 2003 法政大学出版局 Book
698 古代技術史攷 YOKOYAMA, Kōichi 2003 岩波書店 Book
699 火縄銃の伝来と技術 SASAKI, Minoru 2003 吉川弘文館 Book
700 江戸時代の科学技術─国友一貫斎から広がる世界─ 市立長浜城歴史博物館【企画・編集】 2003 市立長浜城歴史博物館 Book
