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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-11. Science & Technology

Record(s) hit 1173
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
621 Scientific Commission for Environmental Problems: An Analysis of Itai-itai Disease, Minamata Disease, and Yokkaichi Asthma [Japanese Sociological Review ; Shakaigaku Hyoron 56(4)] TATEISHI, Yuji 2006 The Japan Sociological Society Article
622 Some Problems of the Regulations on Radioactive-Waste Disposal in Japan [Nihon Hogaku ; Journal of Law 72(2)] TOMOOKA, Fumito 2006 Nihon University Article
623 Takase-bune: the boats on the River Takase and the River Hozu [Kaiji Shi Kenkyu ; Journal of the Maritime History 63] KAGEYAMA, Kazunori 2006 The Japan Society of the History of Maritime Article
624 Technical education and the textile industry in the pre-war Kinki region: a regional comparative perspective [The Senriyama Keizaigaku ; The Economic Review of the Faculty of the Graduate Course Division of Economics, Kansai University 40(1)] TAMAKI, Yoko 2006 The Conference for Students on Graduate Division of Economics, Kansai University Article
625 The Development of Technical Schools in Osaka between the Wars: Cases of Osaka Prefectural Nishinoda Technical School and Osaka Prefectural Imamiya Technical School [Osaka Economic Papers 55(4)] SAWAI, Minoru 2006 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
626 The Iron Manufacture in "Harima-no-kuni Fudoki" [The Kwansei Gakuin Historical Review 33] FUKUSHIMA, Yoshikazu 2006 The Historical Association, Kwansei Gakuin University Article
627 The Japanese Heat Control Movement and Heat Cotrol Policies in War and Reconstruction Periods [Osaka Economic Papers 56(2)] KOBORI, Satoru 2006 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
628 The Russo-Japanese War and the system of SHIMOSE gunpowder [The Economic Journal of Takasaki City University of Economics 49(1)] KOIKE, Shigeki 2006 Society of Economics, Takasaki City University of Economics Article
629 The mobilization of science and 'Research Groups' under the National Research Council of Japan during World War Ⅱ [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 72(3)] AOKI, Hiroshi 2006 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
630 The original version of the table of the Sun's declination appeared in Genna-Kōkaisho [Kaiji Shi Kenkyu ; Journal of the Maritime History 63] YAMADA, Yoshihiro 2006 The Japan Society of the History of Maritime Article
631 The process of enactment of exhaust emission control in Japan [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 72(4)] ITAGAKI, Akira 2006 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
632 The provincial roof-tile workshop of Ise during the Nara period [The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University. History 52] KAJIWARA, Yoshimitsu 2006 Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Article
633 寝殿造の空間と儀式 川本 重雄【著】 2005 中央公論美術出版 Book
634 近代日本の軍産学複合体―海軍・重工業界・大学― 畑野 勇【著】 2005 創文社 Book
635 帝国日本と人類学者―1884-1952年― SAKANO, Toru 2005 Keisoshobo Book
636 日本建築の構造と技法 上 岡田英男論集 岡田 英男【著】 2005 思文閣出版 Book
637 日本建築の構造と技法 下 岡田英男論集 岡田 英男【著】 2005 思文閣出版 Book
638 半世紀にわたる日本の稲作技術協力史 長田 明夫【著】 2005 農林統計協会 Book
639 中津城の石垣―九州最古、遺る近世城郭の威容― [西日本文化 409] 高崎 章子 2005 西日本文化協会 Article
640 日出城鬼門櫓と県内城郭建築遺構 [大分県地方史 192] 三ツ股 正明 2005 大分県地方史研究会 Article
