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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
601 20世紀ロシアの農民世界 KOUICHI, Nobe / Choi, Jaedong 2012 日本経済評論社 Book
602 ドイツ社会保険史 福澤 直樹【著】 2012 名古屋大学出版会 Book
603 The Life of the Irish Soldier in India: Representations and Self-Representations, 1857-1922 [Modern Asian Studies 46(4)] BUBB, Alexander 2012 Cambridge University Press Article
604 中世イングランドにおける諸社会の構造と展開 佐藤 伊久男【著】 2012 創文社 Book
605 "Color Blindness": An Ambivalent Legacy to the Present, Veiling Racial Violence in the American Past [Senshu-Shigaku ; Journal of the Historical Association of Senshu University 53] HIGUCHI, Hayumi 2012 Historical Association of Senshu University Article
606 'Organized ' Charity or 'Central Relief ' ?: A Case in Late 19th Century Liverpool [Matsuyama Daigaku Ronshu ; Matsuyama University Review 24(4-2)] AKAGI, Makoto 2012 Matsuyama University Article
607 A Sociopragmatic Approach to Some Key Reformation Texts [The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences 43(3・4) 合併号] NITTA, Haruo 2012 The Society for the Human and Cultural Sciences in Musashi University Article
608 Affirmative Action during the Johnson Administration: Case Study of 1967 Philadelphia Plan [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 246] YASUI, Michiko 2012 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
609 Amish Beginnings,1693-1711: Religious Tolerance and Intolerance in Eariy Modern Europe [The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences 44(1・2) 合併号] ODORI, Tomoji 2012 The Society for the Human and Cultural Sciences in Musashi University Article
610 An Environmental Protest against a Chemical Firm under Leadership of an Environment-minded Mayor A. Bredt: A Case-Study on the Wesenfeld Chemical Company in 1869-1873 [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 79(1)] TAKITA, Hiromichi 2012 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
611 An Essay on the Labor History of Russian Immigrants in the USA(2) [The Shien ; The Journal of History 149] YAMANOUCHI, Akito 2012 Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University Article
612 Charity Organisation Society in Stockholm: Philanthropy between Public and Private Spheres in Sweden [The Journal of Economics 78(1)] ISHIHARA, Shunji 2012 The Society of Economics, the University of Tokyo Article
613 Chemical Industry and Environmental Movement in Germany during the 1870s: the apex of citizen-protection [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 78(5・6) 合併号] TAKITA, Hiromichi 2012 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
614 Communal Religious Tradition and "De-centralized" Local Politics: Reconsidering the Wenzhou Jinqianhui Incident (1850-1862) [Bulletin of The institute of Modern History Academia Sinica 75] LO, Roger Shih-Chieh 2012 Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica Article
615 Concentration of Enterprises, Formation of Monopoly and Problems of Business Management in Germany: A Comparative Analysis with the United States [The Ritsumeikan Business Review 51(1)] YAMAZAKI, Toshio 2012 The Society of Business Administration of Ritsumeikan University Article
616 Custumarii of Middleton (Essex) in the Early 14th Century: An Analysis of Extenta Manerii de Middeltone [Journal of Hannan University ; The Hannan Ronshu. Social Science 47(2)] NOTO, Yukio 2012 The Society of Hannan University Article
617 Dependencia y desarrollo en América Latina: ensayo de interpretación sociológica HENRIQUE CARDOSO, Fernando / FALETTO, Enzo ; SUZUKI, Shigeru / UKETA, Hiroyuki / MIYACHI, Takahiro 2012 東京外国語大学出版会 Book
618 Der Bund der Oberländer Waldbauern in Oberbayern, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Forstrechte in der Gemeinde Ruhpolding [The Hiroshima Economic Review 36(2)] KANEKO, Kuniko 2012 The Economics Society of Hiroshima University Article
619 Deutsch-Evangelischer Frauenbund und der Maedchenhandel (1899-1902) [Senshu-Shigaku ; Journal of the Historical Association of Senshu University 52] HIGURASHI, Minako 2012 Historical Association of Senshu University Article
620 Die Arbeiterpolitik des Stahlhelms in der Waimarer Republik: Die Gründung und Entwicklung der Stahlhelm-Selbsthilfe [Shigaku-Kenkyu ; Review of Historical Studies 275] HARADA, Masahiro 2012 Hiroshima Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Hiroshima for Historical Studies Article
