MOF's administrations on the banks and financial inspections in the 1950s
[Japan Business History Review 43(4)]
2009 |
Business History Society of Japan |
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Management and business of local banks in Taiwan under colonial rule:a case of Kagi Bank and Jionghua Bank,1905-1913
[Dokkyo University Studies of Economics 86]
NAMIKATA, Shoichi |
2009 |
Faculty of Economics, Dokkyo University |
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Minseito Government and Business World of Osaka(2): Inoue Junnosuke and Economic Liberalism
[Osaka Law Review ; Handai Hogaku 58(5)]
TAKIGUCHI, Tsuyoshi |
2009 |
Osaka University ; Osaka Daigaku |
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Nagoya Prefecture's Trade Policy in Early Meiji Japan
[The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 204]
2009 |
The Political Economy and Economic History Society |
Article |
National Policy Concern and Capital Market under the Wartime Economy: A Case of Taiwan Development Company
[Japan Business History Review 43(4)]
SAITO, Nao |
2009 |
Business History Society of Japan |
Article |
Notes on the Security-Capitalism (Effektenkapitalismus)
[Economic Review, Shizuoka University 13(4)]
ISHIRO, Hiromu |
2009 |
The Economic Society, Shizuoka University |
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Okada Tadahiko established plan for Bushu Bank
[Rikkyo Keizaigaku Ronso ; St.Paul's Economic Journal 72]
SHIMIZU, Taiyo |
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Economic Student's Society, St.Paul's University |
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Ownership Structure of Japanese Firms under the Wartime Economy: The Presence of Financial Institutions as Shareholders
[Waseda Business Review 44]
SAITO, Nao |
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The Institute for Research in Business Administration, Waseda University |
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Policy Change and Its Effects in the Taisho Bubble Period (II)
[St.Andrew's University Economic and Business Review 51(1)]
MOCHIZUKI, Kazuhiko |
2009 |
The Research Institute, St.Andrew's University |
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Policy Change and Its Effects in the Taisho Bubble Period(I)
[St.Andrew's University Economic and Business Review 50(4)]
MOCHIZUKI, Kazuhiko |
2009 |
The Research Institute, St.Andrew's University |
Article |
Policy-Based Finance in Japan 1 : The High-growth Economy and the Japan Development Bank
UZAWA, Hirofumi / TAKEDA, Haruhito |
2009 |
University of Tokyo Press |
Book |
Policy-Based Finance in Japan 2 : The Japan Development Bank after the Oil Crisis
UZAWA, Hirofumi / TAKEDA, Haruhito |
2009 |
University of Tokyo Press |
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Some Historical Research about the Dollar Crisis
[Papers of the Research Society of Commerce and Economics 50(1)]
OTSUKA, Kenji |
2009 |
Hiroshima Shudo University |
Article |
The Burma National Bank under the Japanese Occupation
[The Shirin ; The Journal of History 92(2)]
TAKESHIMA, Yoshinari |
2009 |
The Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Historical Research, Kyoto University |
Article |
The Foundation of Credit Unions by the Korean-Japanese Minority: the 1950s to the 60s
[The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 205]
HAN, Jaehyang |
2009 |
The Political Economy and Economic History Society |
Article |
The Liquor Sales Control Agency: Capital Adjustments from 1941 to 1945
[The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 205]
ITAGAKI, Yumiko |
2009 |
The Political Economy and Economic History Society |
Article |
The Protection of Property Rights in Tokugawa Japan: The Case of the Osaka Rice Exchange Market
[The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 205]
2009 |
The Political Economy and Economic History Society |
Article |
The Shonai Bank 130th anniversary
Shogin |
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荘内銀行 |
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The Structural Change of Hokkaido Financial Institution after 1990's
[Review of the Economics and Business Administration, Sapporo University 40(1)]
IWAHORI, Hiroshi |
2009 |
Society of Economics and Business Administration, Sapporo University |
Article |
The formation of "Fudamoto" network in Horeki period: case of the way Han's paper currency formed in Akita
[Hosei Shiron 36]
SHIOYA, Tomoko |
2009 |
Japanese Historical Society in Graduate School of Hosei University |
Article |