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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-11. Science & Technology

Record(s) hit 1173
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
601 現代糖業技術史―第二次大戦終了以後― 甘蔗糖編 糖業協会【編】 2006 丸善プラネット Book
602 現代糖業技術史―第二次大戦終了以後― 精製糖編 糖業協会【編】 2006 丸善プラネット Book
603 たたら製鉄の近代史 WATANABE, Tomomi 2006 吉川弘文館 Book
604 日本近代技術の形成―〈伝統〉と〈近代〉のダイナミクス― NAKAOKA, Tetsuro 2006 朝日新聞社 Book
605 冶金考古学概論 KANZAKI, Masaru 2006 雄山閣 Book
606 和紙の歴史―製法と原材料の変遷― SHISHIKURA, Satoshi 2006 印刷朝陽会 Book
607 途上国の環境政策の実効性を高めるためには何が必要か?―日本の経験にみる技術指導の重要性― [Konodai Keizai Kenkyu ; Konodai Bulletin of Economic Studies 17(2)] 伊藤 康 2006 The Institute of Economic Research, Chiba University of Commerce Article
608 A Reconsideration of Developing Factors for the Japanese Sericulture Industry: From the Viewpoint of Comparative History of Technology [The Economic Review 57(1)] KIYOKAWA, Yukihiko 2006 Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University Article
609 A Study about a Thesis by Isamu Hoshiko and the Japanese Automobile Industry during World War Ⅱ [The Kumamoto-Gakuen Journal of Commerce 12(2・3) 合併号] MOTOYAMA, Souki 2006 The Society of Commerce, Kumamoto-Gakuen University Article
610 A Study of the Amagasaki City Hall Designed by Murano Togo: A Form as the Public Construction [Chiikishi Kenkyu ; Bulletin of the History of Amagasaki 36(1)] KASAHARA, Kazuto 2006 Amagasaki Municipal Archives Article
611 A consideration of the Kanto-On-Ishi: a basic assessment of the doctors who served the Kamakura Shogunate [Chuo Shigaku 29] AKAZAWA, Haruhiko 2006 Chuo Shigakukai ; Chuo Historical Society, Faculty of Literature, Chuo University Article
612 A study of government forestry administration in the early Meiji period, with a case study of the actual conditions of the project of tree seed gathering in every national forest which was carried out by Home Affairs Ministry [Bulletin of the Tokugawa Institute for the History of Forestry ; Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyujo Kenkyu Kiyo 40] Ōta, Naohiro 2006 The Tokugawa Institute for the History of Forestry ; Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyujo Article
613 An analysis of the photographs taken by the Owari Tokugawa family from the Bakumatsu to the Meiji era and a study of its technical development [Bulletin of the Tokugawa Institute for the History of Forestry ; Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyujo Kenkyu Kiyo 40] SHIRANE, Kōin 2006 The Tokugawa Institute for the History of Forestry ; Tokugawa Rinseishi Kenkyujo Article
614 Changes of the "Middle Classification" in the Hsitory of Heian Sculpture [Jochi Shigaku ; Sophia Historical Studies 51] SASAKI, Hideo 2006 The Historical Society of Sophia University Article
615 Folktale of a Shipbuilder in Awaji Isl. [The Otemon Keizai Ronshu ; The Otemon Economic Review 41(1)] DEGUCHI, Akiko 2006 Otemon Gakuin Daigaku Keizai Gakkai ; The Economic Society of Otemon Gakuin University Article
616 Historical Culture on Management of Mountain and Water: "Meisho-Zue" and Historical Research of Area and Environment [The Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University. History 52] HAGA, Shozi 2006 Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University Article
617 International Marketing Strategy and Technological Development in Japanese Electronics Industry; 1950-80 The Case of Murata Manufacturing Company [Osaka Economic Papers 56(3)] INOKI, Takenori / Nishijima, Isao 2006 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
618 Medicine of the Ancient Practice School as Anti-Science [Thought 985] YAMADA, Keiji 2006 Iwanami Shoten Article
619 Posession of Knowledge, Technology and Social Status [Buraku Mondai Kenkyu ; The Bulletin of Buraku Problem 176] UMIHARA, Ryo 2006 The Institute of Buraku Problem ; Buraku-Mondai Kenkyusho Article
620 Research and Development of Japan in the High-Speed Growth Era [Keizai-Shirin ; The Hosei University Economic Review 73(4)] SAWAI, Minoru 2006 The Keizai-Gakkai, Hosei University Article
