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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
501 An Essay on TOMIZAWA Katsumi, Amerika Roushi-kankei no Seishin-shi [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 81(3)] KINOSHITA, Jun 2013 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
502 An Essay on the Labor History of Russian Immigrants in the USA(3) [The Shien ; The Journal of History 150] YAMANOUCHI, Akito 2013 Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University Article
503 Anti-Abolitionism in Liverpool, 1788-1793: A Complex Way of Making British Abolitionism [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 251] TAMURA, Tadashi 2013 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
504 Arguments on Employment of the Poor in early modern England: Matthew Hale and his Workhouse [The Kyotogakuen University Review, Faculty of Business Administration 23(1)] UHARA, Takashi 2013 Kyotogakuen Daigaku Keieigakubu Gakkai Article
505 Child labor regulations in France(1874-1914): the case of the department of Nord [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 78(4)] OKABE, Hiroshi 2013 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
506 Colonialism, Community, and Gender in 18th Century Mexico [Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 912] YASUMURA, Naoki 2013 Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan Article
507 Conducting the Farm Management Survey in Englad and Wales: An Aspect of National Statistical Surveys in A Modern State [Osaka Economic Papers 63(1)] YAMAMOTO, Chiaki 2013 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
508 Contingency of History, Transformation of Social Structure: Raymond B. Fosdick in the Multiple Contexts of American Reform Movements during WWI [Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 913] MATSUBARA, Hiroyuki 2013 Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan Article
509 Dean Forest, 1603-1640: Conflict between the grant of royal ironworks and the claim of common rights [Journal of Economics, Kumamoto Gakuen University 19(3・4) 合併号] SAKAI, Shigeki 2013 Institute of Economics, Kumamoto Gakuen University Article
510 Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society PUTNAM, Robert D. ; INOGUCHI, Takashi 2013 ミネルヴァ書房 Book
511 Developing Trade Liberalization and International Harmonization of Food Safety Measures: American History of Introducing HACCP [Journal of American Economic History 12] KOYAMA, Kumiko 2013 American Economic History Association , Japan Article
512 Development of History Museums and Postmodern Museology in Australia: the National Museum, the History Wars and Regional Museum [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 249] FUJIKAWA, Takao 2013 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
513 Developments of TWI Programs during War Time in America and their Installing in japanese Industries after the War [The Keizai Ronshu ; The Economic Review of Kansai University 63(2)] OHTSUKA, Tadashi 2013 The Economic Society of Kansai University Article
514 Diary of Raymond-Raoul Lambert, the Leader of UGIF: Persecution of Jews and French Jews during the Vichy Regime [Sundai Shigaku ; Sundai Historical Review 149] YAMAMOTO, Kō 2013 Sundai Historical Association of Meiji University Article
515 Die politischen Straẞenkämpfe in Berlin am Anfang der 1930er Jahren [Shigaku-Kenkyu ; Review of Historical Studies 282] HAMADA, Masahiro 2013 Hiroshima Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Hiroshima for Historical Studies Article
516 Evolution of Law and Economic Activities: On Analysis of Collective Action by J.R.Commons [Keizai-Ronso ; The Economic Review 187(1)] TAKAHASHI, Shingo 2013 Kyoto Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; Kyoto University Economic Society Article
517 Folkway Conflict among the State, Church, and Society in Early Modern Russia: the Case of Iakov Iarov or "Witchcraft" in Simbirsk [Sundai Shigaku ; Sundai Historical Review 147] TOYOKAWA, Koich 2013 Sundai Historical Association of Meiji University Article
518 Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations in the U.S: In the Relation to a Special Feature of the Relevance after the 1980's [Bulletin of the Research Institute of Commerce 44(6)] TANAKA, Kazuo 2013 The Research Institute of Commerce, Senshu University Article
519 International Public Opinion on the Repatriation of the German POWs in France : November 1918 - March 1920 [Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 905] TATE, Hazuki 2013 Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan Article
520 Irma Trlsak: A Female Freedom Fighter in the Resistance Movement who Survived the Concentration Camp [The Ritsumeikan Business Review 51(6)] ITO, Tomio 2013 The Society of Business Administration of Ritsumeikan University Article
