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Search condition Classification[All]=4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-3. Primary Sector of Industry & Land System

Record(s) hit 1755
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
481 The Research on the Usage of Manchuria and Mongolia’s Military Resources: Investigation on the Military Usage of Horses [Social systems studies 24] XU, Jinsheng 2012 The Institute of Social Systems Ritumeikan University Article
482 The actual conditions of ίqtā' holdings during the late Mamlūk Period in Egypt: On the basis of the Ottoman Daftar Jaishiί [Shigaku-Zasshi 121(10)] KUMAKURA, Wakako 2012 Shigakukai ; The Historical Society of Japan Article
483 Land registration and local society in Qing China: Taxation and property rights in mid-nineteenth century Guangdong [International Journal of Asian Studies 8(2)] MATSUBARA, Kentaro 2011 Cambridge University Press Article
484 北部朝鮮・植民地時代のドイツ式大規模農場経営―蘭谷機械農場の挑戦― MIURA, Yoko 2011 Akashi Shoten Book
485 中国農村改革の父 杜潤生自述―集団農業から家族経営による発展へ― SHIRAISHI, Kazuyoshi / SUGANUMA, Keisuke / HAMAGUCHI, Yoshihiro 2011 Rural Culture Association Japan Book
486 韓国併合史研究資料 89 (1)韓国土地所有権ノ沿革ヲ論ス・(2)不動産法調査報告要録・(3)土地調査綱要・(4)臨時財産整理局事務要綱 復刻版 (1)平木勘太郎(内閣不動産調査会),(2)法典調査局,(3)度支部・川上常郎,(4)朝鮮総督府【編】 2011 龍渓書舎 Book
487 海域世界の地域研究―海民と漁撈の民族考古学― ONO, Rintaro 2011 京都大学学術出版会 Book
488 The Autumn Harvest: Peasants and Markets in Post-Collective Rural China [The China Quarterly 208] ZHOU, Xueguang 2011 School of Oriental and AfricanStudies (Cambidge University Press) Article
489 Explaining Land Use Change in a Guangdong County: The Supply Side of the Story [The China Quarterly 207] YEW, Chiew Ping 2011 School of Oriental and AfricanStudies (Cambidge University Press) Article
490 Agricultural Technology Extension and Adoption in China: A Case from Kaizuo Township, Guizhou Province [The China Quarterly 206] YUAN, Juanwen / NIEHOF, Anke 2011 School of Oriental and AfricanStudies (Cambidge University Press) Article
491 Cultural Governance and Place-Making in Taiwan and China [The China Quarterly 206] CHAN, Selina Ching 2011 School of Oriental and AfricanStudies (Cambidge University Press) Article
492 「蒙疆政権」初期の獣毛統制政策と蒙疆羊毛同業会 [The Rekishi Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 48] TANAKA, Tsuyoshi 2011 *** Unknown *** Article
493 Premchand and the Moral Economy of Peasantry in Colonial North India [Modern Asian Studies 45(5)] Shashi Bhushan Upadhyay 2011 Cambridge University Press Article
494 韓国併合史研究資料 88 尹文学士遺稾 YIN, Yokin 2011 龍渓書舎 Book
495 Human capital, migration, and a ‘vent’ for surplus rural labour in 1930s China: the case of the Lower Yangzi [The Economic History Review 64(1)] KUNG, James Kai-Sing / BAI, Nansheng / LEE, Yiu-Fai 2011 Economic History Society (Basil Blackwell) Article
496 中国古代貨幣経済史研究 KAKINUMA, Yohei 2011 汲古書院 Book
497 ‘If Shanxi’s Coal is Lost, then Shanxi is Lost’: Shanxi's Coal and an Emerging National Movement in Provincial China, 1898-1908 [Modern Asian Studies 45(5)] THOMPSON, Roger R. 2011 Cambridge University Press Article
498 中世イスラーム国家の財政と寄進―後期マムルーク朝の研究― 五十嵐 大介【著】 2011 刀水書房 Book
499 韓国併合史研究資料 93 (1)朝鮮舊慣制度調査事業概要・(2)小作ニ関スル慣習調査書 復刻版 朝鮮総督府中枢院【編】 2011 龍渓書舎 Book
500 農林部中央林業實驗所的設置與發展(1940-1949) 林 志晟【著】 2011 國立政治大學歷史學系 Book
