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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-11. Science & Technology

Record(s) hit 1173
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
481 Resource Studies Reexamined: Reflections on the Contribution by Japanese Geographers from the 1950s to 1970s [Geographical Review of Japan ; Chirigaku Hyoron 82(6)] SATO, Jin 2009 The Association of Japanese Geographers ; Nippon Chiri- Gakkai Article
482 Spread and diffusion of Medical Science in Early Modern Japan: on Studying Abroad by the Doctors of the Fukuihan [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 213] UMIHARA, Ryo 2009 Osaka Historical Association Article
483 Technology Promotion Policy for SMEs in the Post War Period of Japan: The source of the high technological level of Japanese SMEs [The Teikyo Keizaigaku Kenkyu ; The Teikyo University Economic Review 42(2)] WADA, Masatake 2009 Teikyo Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; Teikyo University Economic Society Article
484 The Process of Mechanization in Japanese Silk Industries and Its Global Backgrounds in the Latter Half of the 19th Century: In Reference to Sugita Teiichi's Overseas Inspection Tours [Study of Economic History ; Keizaishi Kenkyu 12] IWAMOTO, Shin'ichi 2009 Institute for Research in Economic History of Japan, Osaka University of Economics Article
485 The Historical Development of Research Collaboration in Japan: Institutionally Co-authored Papers in Academic Society Journals of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemistry [The Keizai Gaku ; Annual Report of the Economic Society 70(3)] HIRAMOTO, Atsushi / KIKUCHI, Yoshihiko 2009 The Economic Society, Tohoku University Article
486 The Modernization of the Quality Control in the Tube Industry During and After the War [The Business Review 59(4)] WADA, Toshihiro 2009 The Society of Business Research, Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University Article
487 The Perception of Diseases in Ancient Japan: Focusing on Fubyo [Historica ; Shiron 62] MOTOMIYA, Hinako 2009 The Department of History, Tokyo Women's Christian University Article
488 The World of Orgle-Tile Makers : “Kuroji” Fired Tiles: Hikozo Sugiura, Madosho [Memoirs of the Community Research Institute of Aichi University 54] TAKAHARA, Takashi 2009 Sogo-Kyodo-Kenkyusho ; Community Research Institute, Aichi University Article
489 Traditional Plows in Fukuoka Prefecture [The Sho-Kei Ronso ; The Review of Economics and Commerce 44(1・2) 合併号] KONO, Michiaki 2009 The Society of Economics, Kanagawa University Article
490 Traditional Plows in Nara Prefecture: Restoration of state-recommend model of plough in Kinai, the national capital region of the government of Taika Reform [The Sho-Kei Ronso ; The Review of Economics and Commerce 45(1)] KONO, Michiaki 2009 The Society of Economics, Kanagawa University Article
491 Transfer of Engineers in Military Sectors to Civilian Sectors just after the Second World War and the Technical Research Institute of the Japanese National Railways [Osaka Economic Papers 59(1)] SAWAI, Minoru 2009 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
492 Why Japanese Navy Underestimated the Coal Tar Hydrogenation for Aviation Gasoline: Intelligence Failure and German's Bergius Hydrogenation Process [Study of Economic History ; Keizaishi Kenkyu 12] MIWA, Munehiro 2009 Institute for Research in Economic History of Japan, Osaka University of Economics Article
493 環境・循環型社会白書 平成20年版 環境省【編】 2008 日経印刷 Book
494 現代の考古学 4 生産と技術の考古学 高濱 秀【編】 2008 朝倉書店 Book
495 百済滅亡前後の戦乱と古代山城 [日本歴史 722] 八木 充 2008 日本歴史学会 Article
496 公儀「穴太頭」と諸藩「穴生役」―近世前期の「穴太」をめぐって― [日本歴史 717] 杉江 進 2008 日本歴史学会 Article
497 藤波言忠の明治33・34年欧米巡航について―パリ大博覧会における馬匹縦覧を中心に― [日本歴史 718] 杉本 竜 2008 日本歴史学会 Article
498 長野県におけるニホンジカの盛衰 [信濃 60(7)] KOYAMA, Yasuhiro 2008 信濃史学会 Article
499 江戸の大砲つくり考―胝大砲鋳造絵巻と和流大砲鋳造法― [大阪学院大学通信 39(3)] GUNJI, Takeshi 2008 大阪学院大学通信教育部 Article
500 赤米の博物誌 OGAWA, Masami / ITANI, Tomio 2008 Daigaku Kyoiku Shuppan Book
