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Search condition Classification[All]=4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-3. Primary Sector of Industry & Land System

Record(s) hit 1755
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
461 Dige・Cangli in the Documents of Changsha Wujiang and their Relation [The Rekishi Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 49] ITO, Toshio 2012 *** Unknown *** Article
462 Executing raw material collect system in the period of Taiwan Bureau of Sugar Affairs [Bulletin of Taiwan Historical Research, NTNU 5] TIAN, Sih Jhuang 2012 National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Taiwan History Article
463 Explore Archives of Inscriptions and Local Gazetteers SUE, Takashi (ed.) 2012 KYUKO-SHOIN Book
464 Hired Hand Peasants and Rural Society in North Manchuria: An Analysis Based on Reports on Rural Surveys in the Period of Manchuguo [Shigaku ; The Historical Science 81(3)] KANNO, Tomohiro 2012 Mita-Shigaku-Kai ; The Mita Historical Society Article
465 Japanese salt manufacturers' business expansion into Taiwan and the Kwantung Leased Territory in the prewar period [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 78(3)] MAEDA, Kiyotaka 2012 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
466 Land Clearance and Cadastre Compilation in Hunan & Hubei Province During the Reign of Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty [Journal of Chinese Historical Studies 132] YANG, Guoan 2012 Chinese Academy of Social Science, the Institute of History Article
467 Local Government Competition in China [Mita Gakkai Zasshi ; Mita Journal of Economics 105(3)] XU, Yirui 2012 The Keio Economic Society Article
468 Migration and Agricultural Development in Korea [The Economic Science 60(2)] KIM, Chang-Nam 2012 Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University Article
469 Natur und Macht: Eine Weltgeschichte der Umwelt RADKAU, Joachim ; EBINE, Takeshi / MORITA, Naoko 2012 Misuzu Shobo Book
470 North Korean Economy around 1910 [Aoyama Kokusai Seikei Ronshu ; The Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Economics and Business 86] KIMURA, Mitsuhiko 2012 Aoyama Gakuin Daigaku Kokusai Seiji Keizai Gakkai ; Aoyama Gakuin University Society of International Politics, Economics and Business Article
471 Popular Rebellions and the Chinese World: Towards the Construction of a New History of China YOSHIO, Hiroshi 2012 Kyuko-Shoin Book
472 Promulgation and Implementation of the Taiwan Resources Survey Law in Japanese Taiwan [Bulletin of Taiwan Historical Research, NTNU 5] LIN, Pei Hsin 2012 National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Taiwan History Article
473 Romarks on the transmisson of “Paper”and its use in Islamic world [The Shien ; The Journal of History 149] SHIMIZU, Kazuhiro 2012 Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University Article
474 The Changing Indian Dairy Industry [Keizai-Shirin ; The Hosei University Economic Review 79(3)] ESHO, Hideki 2012 The Keizai-Gakkai, Hosei University Article
475 The Development and Transformation of Export Industries in Japanese Colonial Taiwan [The Ritsumeikan Economic Review 60(5)] CHEN, Tsuyu 2012 The Ritsumaikan University Economic Society Article
476 The Economic Structure of China in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties ADACHI, Keiji 2012 汲古書院 Book
477 The Establishment of Large-Scale Land Ownership in the Mekong Delta in the Period of French Rule (2) [Annual Bulletin of The Keiai Institute for Area Studies 2] TAKADA, Yoko 2012 The Keiai Institute for Area Studies Article
478 The Historical Time-Space in Confusion and Fantasy: The Reply to Huh's Criticism to Me [Review of Economic History 53] RHEE, Young Hoon 2012 The Korean Economic History Society Article
479 The Khan and the Entrepreneurs: The Establishment of the Lawzan Estate and Its Collapse, 1913-1915 [The Toyoshi-Kenkyu ; The Journal of Oriental Researches 71(3)] SHIOYA, Akifumi 2012 The Toyoshi-Kenkyu-Kai ; The Society of Oriental Researches Article
480 The Process of Transformation of “Agricultural Land Records”and the Present Day [Nanto Bunka ; Bulletin of the Institute of Ryukyuan Culture 34] KATO, Koichi 2012 Institute of Ryukyuan Culture, Okinawa International University Article
