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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-11. Science & Technology

Record(s) hit 1173
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
461 歴史のなかの狭山池―最古の溜池と地域社会― ICHIKAWA, Hideyuki 2009 清文堂出版 Book
462 工部省の研究―明治初年の技術官僚と殖産興業政策― KASHIHARA, Hiroki 2009 慶應義塾大学出版会 Book
463 A Development Stage Type Diagram of the Technical Progress: Including about Positioning of Fordism [Osaka Shidai Ronshu 124] TAKEUCHI, Takao 2009 The Osaka-Shiritu Daigaku Daigakuin Keizai-Keieigakukenkyukai Article
464 A Note on the History of the Controversy about the Theory of the Technological Development in Japan [Rikkyo Economic Review 62(4)] MATSUSHITA, Kazuki 2009 Economic Society of Rikkyo University Article
465 A Plan of Buildings and Constructions of the Hiranoya-shinden Kaisho [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 216] YOSHIDA, Takako 2009 Osaka Historical Association Article
466 A Study of Japanese Public Health Administration and Sensai Nagayo's Contribution for the Prevention of Cholera during the Meiji Era [Hogaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology 82(2)] KOJIMA, Kazutaka 2009 Hogaku-Kenkyu-Kai ; The Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University Article
467 A Study of Technicians of the Agricultural Associations in the Interwar Period [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 214] FUKAMI, Takashige 2009 Osaka Historical Association Article
468 A Study on the Formation of the Japanese Health Service Policy Process in the Occupation Period: The Political Power Relationship among the GHQ, the Japanese Medical Association and the Ministry of Health and Welfare over the Separation of Pharmacy and Medicine [The Keizai Gaku ; Annual Report of the Economic Society 70(3)] HORIGOME,Takashi 2009 The Economic Society, Tohoku University Article
469 About Japanese Industrial Remains: From the Viewpoint of Japanese Technological History [The Shakaikagaku-Nenpo ; The Annual Bulletin of Social Science 43] KUROIWA, Toshiro 2009 The Institute for Social Science, Senshu University Article
470 Agricultural Science Policy at the Beginning of the 20th Century in U.K.: The Relations between the Development Commission and Establishment of the Research System [Acta Humanistica et Scientifica Universitatis Sangio Kyotiensis. Social Science Series 26] NAMIMATSU, Nobuhisa 2009 Kyoto Sangyo University Article
471 Consideration from Economics of History and Technology about Influence of Military Technology to Civil Technology: Application, acquisition and transfer of technology [The Business Review 60(2)] YAMAZAKI, Fuminori 2009 The Society of Business Research, Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University Article
472 Disease-Fighting in the Modern History of Japan (3) [Seikei Kenkyu ; Studies in Political Science and Economics 45(4)] HATA, Ikuhiko 2009 Nihon University Article
473 Disease-Fighting in the Modern History of Japan (4) [Seikei Kenkyu ; Studies in Political Science and Economics 46(3)] HATA, Ikuhiko 2009 Nihon University Article
474 Favorable sailing seasons in the East China Sea [Kaiji Shi Kenkyu ; Journal of the Maritime History 66] ADACHI, Hiroyuki 2009 The Japan Society of the History of Maritime Article
475 Influence and agency : a history of Chinese urbanism and architecture in the context of modern Sino-Japanese relations XU, Subin 2009 University of Tokyo Press Book
476 Inter-industrial Analysis of the Formation Process of Toyota's Production System: From the Viewpoint of the Supply Structure of Cutting Tools [The Business Review 59(4)] UYAMA, Michiru 2009 The Society of Business Research, Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University Article
477 Japanese Army's Vision on the Mobilization of Science and Technology during the Pacific War: Focused on the Activities of Division of Technology in the Army Ordnance Headquarter [Osaka Economic Papers 58(4)] SAWAI, Minoru 2009 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
478 On the background of the development of semiconductor technology in Japan: the role of collaborative research [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 74(6)] AOKI, Hiroshi 2009 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
479 Pro-patent Schema under the Lawmaking Process: A Note on the Logic of Intellectual Property Right in the Japanese Antitrust Law based on the term Patent as used the Edwards' Report and Kime's Draft of l946 [The Aoyama Law Review 51(1・2) 合併号] KIKUCHI, Junichi 2009 Aoyama Gakuin Daigaku Hogakkai ; The Aoyama Gakuin University Law Society Article
480 Reexamination of the Postwar Historiography [Journal of Japanese History ; Nihonshi Kenkyu 561] IWAI, Tadakuma 2009 The Japanese Society for Historical Studies ; Nihonshi Kenkyukai Article
