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Search condition Classification[All]=3 Japanese Economic History 3-5. Population

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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
21 Guaranteeing Survival and Reproduction in Local Communities in Ancient Japan [Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 977] SAKAE, Wataru 2018 Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan Article
22 Institutionalized Mass Labor Migration of Young Workers from Oita Prefecture [The Kwansei Gakuin Historical Review 45] YAMAGUCHI, Satoshi 2018 The Historical Association, Kwansei Gakuin University Article
23 Japan's population in 1600: an attempt to reconstruct the history of population and economy in the seventeenth century [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 84(1)] SAITO, Osamu 2018 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
24 Migration In and Out of Shiga Prefecture during the Meiji and Taisho Periods [The Annals of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Shiga University 25] BANNO, Tetsuya 2018 Faculty of Economics, Shiga University Article
25 Migration from Mountain Villages in the Early 20th Century: Analysis of Notifications of Temporary Residence in Gamo Village, Aichi Prefecture, Central Japan [Geographical Review of Japan ; Chirigaku Hyoron 91(2)] SUZUKI, Makoto 2018 The Association of Japanese Geographers ; Nippon Chiri- Gakkai Article
26 Realingment of Japan's Unemployment Statistics and the Provisional National Census in 1947 [The Teikyo Keizaigaku Kenkyu ; The Teikyo University Economic Review 52(1)] KASE, Kazutoshi 2018 Teikyo Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; Teikyo University Economic Society Article
27 The Possibility of "Family" from the Standpoint of the Shumon Aratame Cho [Japanese Sociological Review ; Shakaigaku Hyoron 69(3)] NAKAJIMA, Mitsuhiro 2018 The Japan Sociological Society Article
28 "The Female Labour Management Study" During the Wartime and the Health of Female Workers: Focusing on the Institute for Science of Labour [The Annual of the Institute of Economic Research, Chuo University 49] HORIKAWA, Yuuri 2017 中央大学経済研究所 Article
29 Analysis of the Impact of Labor Shortage on Japan's Economic Development after World War Ⅱ [Japanese Studies 161] CUI, Jian / XIAO, Meiyi 2017 Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ; Chinese Association for Japanese Article
30 Catholicism and Emigration in Japan [Shimonoseki City University Review 61(1)] KANADO, Ryuzo 2017 The Shimonoseki City University Association for Intellectual Studies Article
31 Economic Growth in the Japanese Past: Estimating GDP, 730-1874 TAKASHIMA, Masanori 2017 名古屋大学出版会 Book
32 Emigration to Nagasaki City and the Formation of Catholic Community [Shimonoseki City University Review 60(3)] KANADO, Ryuzo 2017 The Shimonoseki City University Association for Intellectual Studies Article
33 Historical Demography of Tokura-Shinden at the Musashino Plateau [The Quarterly Report of Economics 66(4)] TAKAHASHI, Miyuki 2017 The Rissho University Economic Society Article
34 Influence of improvements in nutrition on the decline of the infant mortality rate: a study of infants in Japanese rural areas in the 1930s [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 83(2)] MURAKOSHI, Kazunori 2017 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
35 Japanese Immigration Ships Crossing to Brazil in the Second Decade of the 20th Century: Focusing on the Travelogues of the Liner "Itsukushimamaru" by Yokoyama Gennosuke [Kaiji Shi Kenkyu ; Journal of the Maritime History 74] NEGAWA, Sachio 2017 The Japan Society of the History of Maritime Article
36 Theoretical Thoughts on "Population Problems" (8): Marx's Theory of Population (iv) [Keizaigaku-Ronshu ; Journal of Economics and Sociology, Kagoshima University 88] NAKAMURA, Masafumi 2017 The Economic Society of Kagoshima University Article
37 Women in the Total War System during the Japan-China War [Rekishi hyōron 807] HAYAKAWA, Noriyo 2017 Rekishikagaku Kyogikai ; Association of Historical Science Article
38 近代大阪の乳児死亡と社会事業 樋上 惠美子【著】 2016 大阪大学出版会 Book
39 Hidden in Plain Sight: Stillbirths and Infanticides in Imperial Japan [The Journal of Economic History 76(3)] DRIXLER, Fabian F. 2016 Economic History Association (Cambridge University Press) Article
40 近世西南海村の家族と地域性―歴史人口学から近代のはじまりを問う― (MINERVA人文・社会科学叢書 208) NAKAJIMA, Mitsuhiro 2016 ミネルヴァ書房 Book
