Revisiting the kankō chōsa villages: a review of Chinese and Japanese studies of North China rural society
[International Journal of Asian Studies 11(1)]
GROVE, Linda |
2014 |
Cambridge University Press |
Article |
中国占領地の社会調査 Ⅱ‐30 都市インフラ調査 3 (戦前・戦中期アジア研究資料 7)
貴志 俊彦,井村 哲郎,加藤 聖文,富澤 芳亜,弁納 才一【監修】 ; 近現代資料刊行会【企画編集】 |
2014 |
近現代資料刊行会 |
Book |
中国占領地の社会調査 Ⅱ‐31 都市インフラ調査 4 (戦前・戦中期アジア研究資料 7)
貴志 俊彦,井村 哲郎,加藤 聖文,富澤 芳亜,弁納 才一【監修】 ; 近現代資料刊行会【企画編集】 |
2014 |
近現代資料刊行会 |
Book |
中国占領地の社会調査 Ⅱ‐29 都市インフラ調査 2 (戦前・戦中期アジア研究資料 7)
貴志 俊彦,井村 哲郎,加藤 聖文,富澤 芳亜,弁納 才一【監修】 ; 近現代資料刊行会【企画編集】 |
2014 |
近現代資料刊行会 |
Book |
A Brief Review of Research on South Yangtze Region History of the Song Dynasty in Japan during the Recent 30 Years
[Trends of Recent Researches on the History of China 406]
SHIMIZU, Koichiro |
2014 |
Chinese Academy of Social Science, the Institute of History |
Article |
A Study of the Compilation of Yen Shu during the Ming Dynasty and Its Records on Mining and Smelting
[Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies 47]
TANG, Li-chung |
2014 |
Department of History, National Cheng Kung University |
Article |
Agricultural Problem in North China in the Wartime
[The Journal of Agricultural History 48]
2014 |
The Agricultural History Society of Japan |
Article |
Changing Forest Landscape and Local Communities in Sabah, Malaysia
[Southeast Asian Studies 52(1)]
NAITO, Daisuke |
2014 |
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University |
Article |
Commodification of rural space and its future issues in China
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ZHANG, Gui-min |
2014 |
The Faculty of Education, Ehime University |
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Development of salt administration in Huaizhe provinces during the Yuan Period
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YAZAWA, Tomoyuki |
2014 |
The Faculty of Education, Ehime University |
Article |
Fishing Rights in the Mongol Banners during the Mid-Qianlong Period: The Case of the Nenjiang and Songhuajiang River Basins
[The Toyo Gakuho ; The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 96(3)]
WU, Zhongliang |
2014 |
The Toyo Bunko |
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From Setting up Each Contract Independently to General Contracts: The Writing of Real Estate Contracts in Suzhou in the Qing Dynasty
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FAN, Jinmin |
2014 |
Chinese Academy of Social Science, the Institute of History |
Article |
Policies for Controlling the Liang-Huai Defence Forces during the Late Southern Song Dynasty: From the Transport Commissioner at Zhe-Xi Liang-Huai to the State Funds System
[Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 923]
2014 |
Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan |
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Progressive Farmers and Electrical-Pump Irrigation in Japanese-Ruled Taiwan: The Case of Hokuto County in Taichū Prefecture
[The Shirin ; The Journal of History 97(3)]
TSURU, Shuntarō |
2014 |
The Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Historical Research, Kyoto University |
Article |
Reconstructing the Course of the Yellow River during the Western Han Period Using Remote Sensing Data: Reexamination of the Discourse on the "Fundamental Conditions of Ancient Chinese Despotism"
[Shigaku-Zasshi 123(3)]
2014 |
Shigakukai ; The Historical Society of Japan |
Article |
Reforms in the Jiangsu Province Sericulture Industry during the Beijing Government Period (1912-1928)
[The Toyo Gakuho ; The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 96(1)]
MIMA, Yoshie |
2014 |
The Toyo Bunko |
Article |
Research and Analysis of Problems Related to the Chosen Forest Land Survey
[Forest Economy 67(4)]
LEE, Jin-ho / SUGIYAMA, Kazuichi / ISHIMATSU, Takakazu |
2014 |
*** Unknown *** |
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Resource Development, Fortification and the Consequences in Micronesia under the Wartime: Focusing on Okinawan Immigrants lived in the Border Area
[The Journal of Agricultural History 48]
MORI, Akiko |
2014 |
The Agricultural History Society of Japan |
Article |
Review of Studies on Salt Industry in the Yangtze and Huai River Area in the Past Sixty Years
[Trends of Recent Researches on the History of China 403]
LI, Chuanjiang |
2014 |
Chinese Academy of Social Science, the Institute of History |
Article |
Rural Economy of the 6 Country 7 Villages in the East Hebei Province of the Former Republic China
[Kanazawa University Economic Review 34(2)]
BENNOU, Saiichi |
2014 |
Faculty of Economics and Management, Kanazawa University |
Article |