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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-11. Science & Technology

Record(s) hit 1173
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
341 On the V-& W-Gasoline Aero-engins of Mitsubisi Aircraft Co.: Renault, Hispano-Suiza, Junkers, Type 93, and W-Engines(1/6) [Journal of Economics 112(4)] SAKAGAMI, Shigeki 2012 The Economic Society of Osaka City University Article
342 Rice Cropping of the Modern Japan in "the Era of the Agricultural Research Institute" (1) [Keizai Ronshu ; The Economic Review of Toyo University 37(2)] AKIMOTO, Hiroya 2012 Toyo Daigaku Keizai Kenkyukai ; The Economic Society of Toyo University Article
343 Rice Cropping of the Modern Japan in "the Era of the Agricultural Research Institute" (2) [Keizai Ronshu ; The Economic Review of Toyo University 38(1)] AKIMOTO, Hiroya 2012 Toyo Daigaku Keizai Kenkyukai ; The Economic Society of Toyo University Article
344 Scientific Research on the Pigment used in the Pictorial Map in the Collection of the Archives of Yamaguchi Prefecture [Tokyo Daigaku Shiryo Hensan-jo Kenkyu Kiyo ; Research Annual of the Historiographical Institute 21] SUGIMOTO, Fumiko / HAYAKAWA, Yasuhiro / YOSHIDA, Naoto / MURAOKA, Yukari / ONODERA, Atsushi 2012 Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo Article
345 Sericulture Breeding Methods in Chiisagata District and Shimoina District in Nagano Prefecture in the Early Meiji Era: An Analysis Based on the Industrial Exhibition Reports [The Journal of Agricultural History 46] TSUCHIKANE, Kazuko 2012 The Agricultural History Society of Japan Article
346 Shūsuke Aoki als Vizeleiter der medizinische Schule (Kōseidō) in Hagi-Daimyat [Studies in The Humanities and Science 53(1)] MORIKAWA, Jun 2012 Hiroshima shudo University Article
347 South Manchuria Railway History TAKAGI, Hiroshi 2012 潮書房光人社 Book
348 Technological History of River Bank in the Early Modern Period [Journal of Japanese History ; Nihonshi Kenkyu 597] ICHIKAWA, Hideyuki 2012 The Japanese Society for Historical Studies ; Nihonshi Kenkyukai Article
349 The Advent of Consulting Engineers in Postwar Japan [Osaka Economic Papers 61(4)] SAWAI, Minoru 2012 Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University Article
350 The Archaeological Study of the Early Brick Manufacture [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 231] FUJIWARA, Manabu 2012 Osaka Historical Association Article
351 The Basic Study of the Bricks of the Meiji-Taisho Era in Nara Prefecture [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 231] KITAYAMA, Mineo 2012 Osaka Historical Association Article
352 The Innovation in the Japanese Watch and Clock Industry during the Interwar Period: A Focus on the Patent Strategy of Hattori & Co. [Keizai-Ronso ; The Economic Review 185(3)] DONZÉ, Pierre-Yves 2012 Kyoto Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; Kyoto University Economic Society Article
353 Why Japanese Put up Strings of Nuclear Plants along Their Quake-Prone Archipelago ?: A Historical Chronology of the 3.11 Fukushima Nuclear Disasters [Sapporo Gakuin University, review of economics 4] SASAKI, Yoh 2012 Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University Article
354 古代日本と百済の造瓦技術交流 [帝塚山大学考古学研究所研究報告 13] 清水 昭博 2011 帝塚山大学考古学研究所 Article
355 Technological leadership and late development: evidence from Meiji Japan, 1868-1912 [The Economic History Review 64(1)] TANG, John P. 2011 Economic History Society (Basil Blackwell) Article
356 必携 古典籍・古文書料紙事典 SHISHIKURA, Satoshi 2011 八木書店 Book
357 山口御屋形(山口城)の築造年代と縄張り [山口県地方史研究 105] KUWABARA, Kunihiko 2011 *** Unknown *** Article
358 五稜郭・箱館奉行所の復元整備 [日本歴史 752] 田原 良信 2011 日本歴史学会 Article
359 こと典百科叢書 第18巻 類似植物分類鑑定辞典 斎藤 義三郎【著】 2011 大空社 Book
360 The origins of Japanese technological modernization [Explorations in Economic History 48(2)] NICHOLAS, Tom 2011 Graduate Program in Economic History (Kent State University Press) Article
