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Search condition Classification[All]=2 Japanese History 2-2. Ancient

Record(s) hit 3748
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
301 卑弥呼と古代の天皇 MAEDA, Haruto 2012 同成社 Book
302 反復と模倣―源氏物語・回帰する時間の悲劇によせて― [季刊日本思想史 80] KUMANO, Sumihiko 2012 日本思想史懇話会 Article
303 国際交易と古代日本 田中 史生【著】 2012 吉川弘文館 Book
304 東アジアの日本書紀―歴史書の誕生― ENDOU, Keita 2012 吉川弘文館 Book
305 日本古代の税制と社会 IMAZU, Katsunori 2012 塙書房 Book
306 日本古代の年中行事書と新史料 西本 昌弘【著】 2012 吉川弘文館 Book
307 The Hyakumantō Darani and the Origins of Printing in Eighth-century Japan [International Journal of Asian Studies 9(1)] KORNICKI, Peter 2012 Cambridge University Press Article
308 東アジアの今昔物語集―翻訳・変成・予言― KOMINE, Kazuaki 2012 勉誠出版 Book
309 都城制研究 6―都城の廃絶とその後― 奈良女子大学古代学学術研究センター【編】 2012 奈良女子大学古代学学術研究センター Book
310 上毛野の古代農業景観 関口 功一【著】 2012 岩田書院 Book
311 "Chō" in the Crown Prince's Quarters and the Office of the Consort's Household [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 234] TAHARA, Mitsuyasu 2012 Osaka Historical Association Article
312 "So" Tax and "Fu" Tax in YAMATAI-KOKU [Osaka Law Review ; Handai Hogaku 62(3・4) 合併号] TANAKA, Shosuke 2012 Osaka University ; Osaka Daigaku Article
313 A Consideration on the Inscription Incised on the Bronze Plaque Depicting Scene from Lotus Sutra in the Hase-dera Temple: revision, reading, sculpture technique [Bulletin of Niigata Sangyo University, Faculty of Economics 40] KATAOKA, Naoki 2012 Institute for East Asian Economy and Cultural Research, Niigata Sangyo University Article
314 A Re-examination of the Position and Role of "Uneme" (the Chief Lady-in-Waiting) in Ancient Japan [Senshu-Shigaku ; Journal of the Historical Association of Senshu University 52] IJUIN, Yoko 2012 Historical Association of Senshu University Article
315 A Study of Conch-Shaped Pottery in the Late Phase of the Late Jomon Period [Sundai Shigaku ; Sundai Historical Review 146] ABE, Yoshiro 2012 Sundai Historical Association of Meiji University Article
316 A Study of the Characteristics of the Governance in the Shōmu Period: An Analysis of Seasonal Rites and Banquets [Rekishi ; Tohoku Historical Journal 119] KIM, Eun-Jung 2012 Tohoku Shigakukai ; Tohoku Historical Society Article
317 A Study of the Relations between the Wei Dynasty and Wo in Jinshu, History of the Jin Dynasty [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 233] KOCHI, Haruhito 2012 Osaka Historical Association Article
318 A Study on Gesanni, Provincial Prestige Title under the Taiho Code System [Historia ; Journal of Osaka Historical Association 234] SOGAWA, Yoichi 2012 Osaka Historical Association Article
319 A Study on Labor Organization in Ancient Japan: Concerning the Annotation in the Third Document Excavated from the Sannoh Ruins [Hosei-Shigaku ; Journal of Hosei Historical Society in Hosei University 77] HARA, Kyoko 2012 Hosei Historical Society in Hosei University Article
320 A Study on the Genealogy of Kai-no-Kuninomiyatsuko [The Hikone Ronso 391] SUZUKI, Masanobu 2012 The Economic Society of Shiga University Article
