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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
281 The birth of the Social State and the development of the municipal social policy: A case study on the unemployment relief in Hamburg around the building of Weimar Republic [Hitotsubashi Economics 10(1)] MORI, Takahito 2016 Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Economics Article
282 The establishment of the postwar bracero program: importation of temporary workers from Mexico into Texas, 1950-55 [The Social Sciences 46(1)] TODAYAMA, Tasuku 2016 Institute for the Study of Humanities & Social Science, Doshisha University Article
283 The life and theoretical activities of Friedrich Pollock as a economic theoretician in the Frankfurt School [Keizai Ronshu ; Aichi University Journal of Economics 199,200 合併号] HOZUMI, Toshihiko 2016 The Society of Economic Science, Aichi University Article
284 Thinking about the meaning of 1991 and 2008 through Eric Hobsbawm's “Marx Today” [Journal of Economics 116(4)] OSHIMA, Mario 2016 The Economic Society of Osaka City University Article
285 Visiting nurses in the early twentieth century Henry Street Settlement: crossing over boundaries of nursing welfare work, and social activism [Shien ; The Journal of Historical Studies, Rikkyo University 76(2)] MATSUBARA, Hiroyuki 2016 The Historical Society of Rikkyo University Article
286 Water and Food in Venice: Stories of the Lagoon and the City [Toshishi Kenkyu ; Journal of Urban and Territorial History 3] ルドヴィーカ ガレアッツオ ; 湯上 良【訳】 2016 Society of Urban and Territorial History Article
287 Women and Religion in American History: Social Practice and the Politics of Gender [Hogaku ; The Journal of Law and Political Science 79(6)] HALL, David D. ; SASAKI, Hiromichi 2016 Tohoku Daigaku Hogakkai ; The Association of Law and Political Science of Tohoku University Article
288 Österreichische Geschichte 1890-1990: Der lange Schatten des Staates. Österreichische Gesellschaftsgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert HANISCH, Ernst 2016 三元社 Book
289 On Pigou's “The Economics of Welfare” [The Journal of Social Science 66(2)] CATO, Susumu 2015 Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo Article
290 20世紀前半ロサンゼルス周辺における石油開発と環境・地域社会問題―1929-1930年ベニス地区の例― [エネルギー史研究 30] ZHANG, Miao 2015 *** Unknown *** Article
291 イギリス検認遺産目録研究  (神戸学院大学経済学研究叢書 18) 岡部 芳彦【著】 2015 晃洋書房 Book
292 北海・バルト海の商業世界 斯波 照雄,玉木 俊明【編】 2015 悠書館 Book
293 西洋の都市と日本の都市 どこが違うのか―比較都市史入門― 斯波 照雄【著】 2015 学文社 Book
294 英米と日本の近代化比較―文化から組織へ― 小林 正彬【著】 2015 御茶の水書房 Book
295 環境政策史論―ドイツ容器包装廃棄物政策の展開― 喜多川 進【著】 2015 勁草書房 Book
296 コミュニケーションから読む中近世ヨーロッパ史―紛争と秩序のタペストリー― 服部 良久【編著】 2015 ミネルヴァ書房 Book
297 フランスにおける家族政策の起源と発展―第三共和制から戦後までの「連続性」― 福島 都茂子【著】 2015 法律文化社 Book
298 比較史の遠近法 新版 斎藤 修【著】 2015 書籍工房早山 Book
299 Dress for Success in the Globalized Corporate Culture I: The Historical Evolution of Women''s Dress Codes at Work in the United States [Aoyama Journal of Business 50(別冊)] TOMA, Ulara 2015 The Society of Business Administration, Aoyama Gakuin University Article
300 国家の周縁―特権・ネットワーク・共生の比較社会史― 田村 愛理,川名 隆史,内田 日出海【編】 2015 刀水書房 Book
