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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
261 Some Considerations on Expo Milano 2015 [The Kokumin-Keizai Zasshi ; Journal of Economics & Business Administration 214(3)] SHIGETOMI, Kimio 2016 The Keizai-Keiei Gakkai, Kobe University Article
262 Spain’s immigration policy and Latin American immigrants: the current state and legal preferential treatment [The Social Sciences 46(1)] FUKASAWA, Haruna 2016 Institute for the Study of Humanities & Social Science, Doshisha University Article
263 Steuart's Theory of Industrialization (6) [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 85(3)] IWAMOTO, Yoshihiro 2016 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
264 Steuart's Theory of Industrialization(5) [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 84(4)] IWAMOTO, Yoshihiro 2016 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
265 The Amelioration of Slavery and Marriage of Slaves in the British West Indian Colonies [The Shirin ; The Journal of History 99(1)] NAMIKAWA, Yoko 2016 The Shigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Historical Research, Kyoto University Article
266 The British slave trade and slave factors [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 82(1)] NAGASAWA, Serika 2016 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
267 The English Poor Law Reform and Public Health Reform 1830-1850: A Reappraisal [The Journal of Law & Politics 66(4)] SAWADA, Yozo 2016 Law & Politics Association, Kwansei Gakuin University Article
268 The Formation of National Tuberculosis Measures in Early 20th Century Britain: Focusing on the Sanatorium Benefit under National Health Insurance [The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 232] YOTSUYA, Eriko 2016 The Political Economy and Economic History Society Article
269 The Hidden Dimensions of the Personnel Management Movement: Professional Cultures in Conflict, 1916-1920(Part 2) [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 84(3)] UENO, Tsuguyoshi 2016 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
270 The Hidden Dimensions of the Personnel Management Movement: Professional Cultures in Conflict, 1916-1920(Part 3) [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 85(1)] UENO, Tsuguyoshi 2016 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
271 The Hidden Dimensions of the Personnel Management Movement: Professional Cultures in Conflict, 1916-1920(Part 4) [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 85(2)] UENO, Tsuguyoshi 2016 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
272 The Historical Formation of the Modern Museum and its Concepts (2): The case of France 1 (from the ancient-regime to the first half of the revolutionary period) [Keizai-Shirin ; The Hosei University Economic Review 83(4)] GOTO, Hiroko 2016 The Keizai-Gakkai, Hosei University Article
273 The Marshall Plan and the Creation of IMF Economic Policy in the Postwar Period [The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 231] NISHIKAWA, Teru 2016 The Political Economy and Economic History Society Article
274 The National Civic Federation and the Making of a New Liberalism, 1900-1915 CYPHERS, Christopher J. 2016 関西大学出版部 Book
275 The People: The Rise and Fall of the Working Class TODD, Selina 2016 みすず書房 Book
276 The Political Culture of the British Naval Impressment: during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars [Shikan ; The Historical Review 175] 金崎 邦彦 2016 The Historical Society of Waseda University Article
277 The Process of Conceptualising Children's Allowances in Britain and the Campaign by Britain's All-party Parliamentary Group for Children, 1939-42 [The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History ; Rekishi to Keizai 231] AKAGI, Makoto 2016 The Political Economy and Economic History Society Article
278 The Relationship between Personnel Manager and Shop Disciplinarian: Early Phases of the Industrial Engineering Movement in the United States. Part 2. [Journal of American Economic History 15] UENO, Tsuguyoshi 2016 American Economic History Association , Japan Article
279 The Slave Ship: A Human History REDIKER, Marcus ; UENO, Naoko 2016 みすず書房 Book
280 The Socio-economic Position of Small and Medium-scale Traders in Germany under National Socialism [The Review of Economics & Political Science 85(1・2) 合併号] YANAGISAWA, Osamu 2016 The Economic and Political Institute of Meiji University Article
