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Search condition Classification[All]=5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization

Record(s) hit 3900
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No. Title/Article
[Journal Title]
Author Publication Year Publisher Material Type
241 Foundation of Fideikommiss by a Brandenburgian noble family in the 19th Century [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 81(4)] YAMAZAKI, Akira 2016 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
242 German Social History Revisited: Paradigm Shift in Historiography? [Mita Gakkai Zasshi ; Mita Journal of Economics 109(1)] YANO, Hisashi 2016 The Keio Economic Society Article
243 How Was Life?: GLOBAL WELL BEING SINCE 1820 OECD Development Centre ; TOKUNAGA, Yuko 2016 明石書店 Book
244 Imperial estates and French monarch in early modern Alsace: Conflicts and mediations concerning ten Imperial cities [The Study of Occidental history 45] YASUKATA, Kaori 2016 西洋史研究会 Article
245 J.L.Brierly's View on "Legal Organization of International Society": Preliminary Observation throught His Writings [Hosei Kenkyu ; Journal of Law and Politics 83(3)] YAMADA, Tetsuya 2016 Hosei Gakkai ; Institute for Law and Politics, Kyushu University Article
246 Karl Polanyi’s Critique of Utilitarianism and Esteem for Bentham [Keizaigaku-Ronso ; The Doshisha University Economic Review 68(3)] KASAI, Takato 2016 The Doshisha Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; The Doshisha Economic Association Article
247 Karl Polanyi’s Market and Just Price: Focusing on Basic Needs and Substantive Economy [Keizaigaku-Ronso ; The Doshisha University Economic Review 68(1)] KASAI, Takato 2016 The Doshisha Daigaku Keizaigaku-kai ; The Doshisha Economic Association Article
248 Les hauts revenus en France au XXe siècle: Inégalités et redistributions 1901-1998 PIKETTY, Thomas ; YAMAMOTO, Tomoko / YAMADA, Yoshaki / IWASAWA, Masatoshi / AIKAWA, Chihiro 2016 Hayakawa Publishing Book
249 Location of a Chemical Factory in Germany before World War I: A Case Study on the Bayer Co(2) [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 83(4)] TAKITA, Hiromichi 2016 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
250 Location of a Chemical Factory in Germany before World War I: A Case Study on the Bayer Co.(1) [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 83(2・3) 合併号] TAKITA, Hiromichi 2016 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
251 On Marx's Concept of Gattung [The Shogaku Ronshu ; Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History 84(4)] YAMAGUCHI, Takumi 2016 The Economic Society of Fukushima University Article
252 Poverty and welfare in the British Industrial Revolution: voluntary association and the poor in the long eighteenth century [Shien ; The Journal of Historical Studies, Rikkyo University 76(2)] HASEGAWA, Takahiko 2016 The Historical Society of Rikkyo University Article
253 Power and charity within local government in France under the Old Regime: The involvement of Bordeaux elites in the poor relief [Shigaku-Zasshi 125(2)] SORA, Yukako 2016 Shigakukai ; The Historical Society of Japan Article
254 Restructuring of the commons and the resilience of common-pool institutions: a case study of Gillingham royal forest, 1651-1703 [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 82(2)] INUI, Hideaki 2016 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
255 Returned Missionaries and "The Records related to the Martyrs" : Activities of Jesuit Provincial Procurators [Rekishigaku Kenkyu ; Journal of Historical Studies 941] KISAKI, Takayoshi 2016 Rekishigaku Kenkyukai ; The Historical Science Society of Japan Article
256 Roussea's General Will and Fixed-point Observation of Will: The French Revolution, Fichte, Renan and the Third Reich [Keizaigaku Ronsan ; The Journal of Economics 56(5・6) 合併号] NARUKO, Hiroko 2016 Chuo Daigaku Keizaigaku Kenkyukai ; The Society of Economics in Chuo University Article
257 Shaping secular bourgeois society in mid-19th century Berlin: from the beginning of the Jewish emancipation to the formation of Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft [Socio-Economic History ; Shakai-Keizaishigaku 82(3)] TAKEHARA, Yugo 2016 The Socio-Economic History Society ; Shakai-Keizaishi Gakkai Article
258 Smoke Abatement during the British Industrial Revolution: The Formation of Discursive Confrontation in Leeds in the 1820s [Seiyoshigaku ; The Studies in Western History 262] KASUGA, Ayuka 2016 The Nippon Seiyoshigakukai ; The Japanese Society of Western History Article
259 Social Insurance System in Germany during World War I (6) [Keizaigaku-Kenkyu ; Journal of Political Economy 83(2・3) 合併号] KAKU, Sachio 2016 Kyushu-Daigaku-Keizai-Gakkai ; Society of Political Economy, Kyushu University Article
260 Sociopolitical Structure of Rural Russia in the 1920s: Village Soviet and Peasant Community [The Journal of Economics 80(3・4) 合併号] OKUDA, Hiroshi 2016 Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo Article
