Journal of American History

Journal of American History

Mississippi Valley Historical Association ; Organization of American Historians

Mississippi Valley Historical Association ; Organization of American Historians



Consuming Relief: Food Stamps and the New Welfare of the New Deal

Rachel Louise Moran

MORAN, Rachel Louise

examines the U.S. Food Stamp Plan established during the New Deal and discusses how this form of food welfare, which reflected Keynesian economic policies of the time, benefited the poor, food producers, and grocers and wholesalers

英語 / English


5 European & American Economic History 5-11. Social Policy

  • 第五部 [西洋経済史] 5-10. 社会組織・社会問題
  • 第五部 [西洋経済史] 5-12. 政治経済思想
  • 5 European & American Economic History 5-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization
  • 5 European & American Economic History 5-12. Economic, Political & Social Thought