The Kyoto Economic Review

The Kyoto Economic Review

Office of Advanced Economic Analysis, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

Office of Advanced Economic Analysis, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University



Transitions of Governance Mechanisms in China's Agriculture: Land Reform, the Cooperatives, the People's Commune, HRS and Agricultural Industrialization


ZHANG, Dongxue

Introduction, Theoretical Framework: Five-pointed Discrete Mechanisms of Governance and Its Distinguishing Attributes, Transitions of Governance Mechanisms in China's Agriculture: Land Reform, the Cooperatives, the People's Commune, and HRS, The Agricultural Industrialization Period (1993-): hierarchy, Conclusions.

英語 / English


4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-3. Primary Sector of Industry & Land System

  • 第四部 [東洋経済史] 4-6. 企業・組合・経営・会計
  • 第四部 [東洋経済史] 4-10. 社会組織・社会問題
  • 4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-6. Business, Management, Account & Union
  • 4 Oriental & African Economic History 4-10. Social Problem, Movement & Organization
  • アジア・アフリカ
  • Asia and Africa